

A theme is unique. Mo yan's novel has a very deep foundation of life, he took to describe China northern rural bottom, as Faulkner for American southern town of depicting the crazy. Several mo yan with high-density township as the background of the novel in plot, has been forming an independent singular "literary world", the modern people (especially foreigners) for remote and mysterious Chinese local world. Subject to the uniqueness of mo yan won so many readers, including western readers. Can't say the more national, the more the world, but can say the "soil", the more appreciate distance, and the trigger curiosity, produce the aesthetic feeling.
The second is cultural nature. Mo yan drunk folk culture, the circle of life around a generations of another generation of common people life culture, and is not literally or in the temple of the make public that culture, he has one hundred years of folk culture variation and fall have cone heart pain, he almost instinctively presented the culture of the pain. Thanks to the native mo yan, didn't accept system abrupt regular professional training, he has rich knowledge (as a soldier, entered into the party), his sense of culture is almost the original. In his cultural awareness, and often with a human mining, including the subconscious, the collective unconscious mining. Read mo yan's novel, often can revelation his face. Chinese and foreign readers don't like sermons, in mo yan works culture ?
Three, imagination. Mo yan myself in reality he powerless, but picked up a pen and mighty. This "daydream" psychological quality is very suitable for when a novelist. Mo yan is nature is imagination, when he read and accept the South America "one hundred years of solitude type of magic realism writing, then find the volcanic eruption mouth, let your imagination soar in spite of all, endless. His novels have long "play through", reality and history, current and traditional often kink staggered, form the colorful dazzle eye picture. With the modern meaning of the picture, and the traditional method is very different, more can stimulate reading pleasure, is the Chinese and foreign readers are willing to accept.
Four, mo yan is a good story. He said new strangeness, foreigners can understand. And that kind of lay particular stress on language charm works than to story imagination in the novel is more suitable for translated into foreign languages, mo yan nature also accounted for the advantage. Such as the language of the novel jia ping-wa capability is not under the mo yan, but translated into foreign languages, that kind of special language sense will disappear. Mo yan, mainly by telling a story to conquer readers, most of his novels have been translated into many foreign languages, including sanna Nielsen. Mo yan novels for film adaptation, as early as in twenty years ago, according to zhang yimou is mo yan works adapted geisha, once it was once fashionable in the western world, who also have never thought this virtually also give the winning the foundation
第1个回答  2012-12-13
第2个回答  2012-12-13
第3个回答  2012-12-13