

In English:
Traffic congestion is a common problem in the process of urbanization. With the increasing population of cities, traffic pressure is also increasing. Especially during peak hours, traffic jams are unbearable.
Traffic congestion not only affects travel efficiency, but also has a negative impact on people's physical and mental health. Long hours of traffic jams can make people feel tired and anxious, and may also cause various diseases. At the same time, traffic congestion can also lead to energy waste and environmental pollution, which is not conducive to the sustainable development of cities.
To solve the problem of traffic congestion, the government and city management departments need to take a series of measures. Firstly, public transportation construction and optimization should be strengthened to improve the convenience and attractiveness of public transportation and encourage citizens to use public transportation. Secondly, traffic restrictions can be used to reduce the use of private cars and reduce road congestion. In addition, road construction and traffic management should be strengthened to improve road capacity and traffic safety.
Of course, solving the problem of traffic congestion requires the joint efforts of the whole society. Citizens should also actively respond to the government's call, reduce the use of private cars, and travel through public transportation, walking, cycling and other means, to contribute to the alleviation of traffic congestion.