
1.the large amount of money will be in vain。(要用be 吗?)
2.some people hold the idea that sending their children to art classes will add the extra chances of (还是用for或to?) success in the future.
3.Art classes can help children to learn more and to be more likely to win in the fierce competitions.
4.it's well known to us that all the students should attend the college entrance examination, but if they are art students,they will have a big edge over other common students.
5.Others hold the opinion that sending their children to art classes will cost too much,and if their children are not really interested in it,the large amount of money will be in vain.
6.Also,it will make children feel so tired and stress out,so it will do harm to their health.(还是用is bad for /is not good for their health更好?)

1.【be需要】系动词连接,the large amount of是说总数,【the要换成a】但是更好的是will be wasted(in vain是徒劳的,一般是努力,精力;wasted是浪费的)
2.【用of】一般是the chance for sb to,the chance to do或者the chance of th(用to的话就是要用succeed或者make it)
3.整体上没有错误,但是win in the…可以换成【Have an advantage in 】(相对有优势的)
6.后面那个地方用一个【what's more】递进一下,感觉更加强烈。
what's more,it has a side effect in children’s attitude and health

sending their children to art classes will cost too much (后面的那位同学说cost too much 后面要加money,但是我觉得不加好像也行啊?)
如果换成你建议的用法就是...and have an advantage in the fierce competitions这样吗?
对啦,还有some/many/most people,后面的动词是不是都用原型啊,比如 some people think that 还是用 thinks that?


【2】Art classes can help children to learn more and have an advantage in the fierce competitions.
【3】用some people think that。前面主语是复数。

第1个回答  2012-12-21
3.Art classes can help children to learn more and【 to be】 more likely to win in the fierce competitions 去掉 to be

5.Others hold the opinion that sending their children to art classes will cost too much,and if their children are not really interested in it,【the large】 amount of money will be in vain.

改 a
第2个回答  2012-12-21
2.add the extra chances of 改用increase chances of
3.help children to learn 改成去掉to,and to be 去掉to,win in the fierce competitions去掉the
5.cost too much后加money, are not really interested in 改为are really not interested in
6.stress out改为stressed out,so it will do harm to their health改为which will do harm to health
第3个回答  2012-12-21