
主题为 Describe some differences you have found between college and high school life

第1个回答  2013-06-30
The life in college and high school has distinct differences.The former one provides plenty of self-control space,more flexible accessibilities to various introductional resources available.Instead of stationarily fixed schedules,which are frequently applied to students' daily learning process in high school,flexibilities and abundannce of learning exist in undergaduates'everyday educational activities.I favour life in the college.Life in the university is only more beneficial to individuals on condition that the persons belong to the kind of the strong-motivated or activists taking initiative to supervise themselves in a highly-organised way.This is the case with me.Without the very specific supervision of teachers,I still maintain a tidily logical state of mind and produce solutions according to my own material necessities and spiritual needs,during which,I enhance my abilities in gaining proficiency in study as well as routine affairs.For me,getting rid of educators' strict and meaningless authority compelling students to accomplish introdutional missions in a certain way or before a deadline,which totally describes the pattern of transmitting knowledge in high school,means a raft of possibilities of freedom intended for improvement in competence in learning,rather than losing control in study.Personal preferences vary.As for an earnest and motivated learner,like me,way of life in college contributes a lot to my pursueing ambitiousness,thus,it is wiser and more reasonable to approve it.
第2个回答  2013-06-30
After entering college, we found, to our surprise, that differences between high school life and college life are great. In high school, we always depended on our parents and teachers to solve all kinds of difficult problems. At college, however, we have to rely exclusively on ourselves. What's more, we have to learn how to get along with our classmates and roommates.Besides,in high school ,we hardly have spare time for our interests 。However,in college,there is so much free time which we can use to do whatever we like !How wonderful!