

阿里根奴(学名:Origanum vulgare‘Rogeukuppel’)是唇形科、牛至属下的一个植物种。原产于非洲北部和亚洲地区。
牛至全草含挥发油,主要有对一聚伞花素、香荆芥酚、麝香草酚、香叶乙酸酯等可利尿、促进食欲、改善消化、去痰、抗菌的作用,每1毫克中含抗衰老素超氧化物岐化酶187.80微克,是蔬菜中含量最高者, 其抗氧化功能非常强,以其消除自由基的抗氧化效力而言,必苹果高出42倍,比马铃薯高出30倍,比橘子 高出12倍。牛至味辛,性微温,有清暑解表、利水消肿之作用。牛至全草可提取芳香油,也可以用作香蕾入药,还能作为资源植物使用。早在东汉时期,人们已把牛至作为-种中草药使用,它可用于治疗因暑湿所引起的发热、头痛、身困倦、呕吐、腹泻、腹痛等症状。也用于治疗急性胃肠炎、沙门氏菌感染等疾病。美国农业部的“植物化学和植物物种学”的背景资料表明,牛至含有30多种抗菌化合物,因而牛至可能是一种潜在的非药物生长促进剂。随着人们对人类健康的关注,抗生素添加剂可能使人病原菌产生耐药性这一缺点使人们对抗生素的使用日益减少,采用现代高科技生产“全天然”饲料添加剂已成为世界各国研究人员研究的热点,因而更深地了解牛至可为其作为新型非药物生长促进剂提供参考。
第1个回答  2013-06-22
香料介绍:OREGANO,阿里根奴,PIZZA 草
Oregano :
General Description:
Mediterranean Oregano is the dried leaf of Origanum vulgare L., a perennial herb in the mint family. Mexican Oregano is the dried leaf of one of several plants of the Lippia genus.
1,Geographical Sources:
Oregano is grown in California and New Mexico, as well as the Mediterranean region.
2,Traditional Ethnic Uses:
Oregano is the spice that gives pizza its characteristic flavor. It is also usually used in chili powder
3,Taste and Aroma:
Oregano has a pungent odor and flavor. Mexican Oregano is a bit stronger than Mediterranean Oregano.
4,History/Region of Origin:
Mediterranean Oregano was originaly grown extensively in Greece and Italy. Since Greek and Roman times it has been used with meats, fish, vegetables, and as a flavoring for wine. Before World War II, Oregano was almost unknown in the United States. However, its popularity skyrocketed with the popularity of pizza.
5,A Few Ideas to Get You Started:
Oregano tastes great with tomato, egg, or cheese based foods, and is also a great addition to many lamb, pork, and beef main dishes. Try sauteeing aromatic vegetables in olive oil with garlic and Oregano. You can make a savory sauce with melted butter, lemon juice and a bit of Oregano; drizzle it over grilled fish and poultry. An easy way to accent pasta sauces, salad dressings, and ground meat dishes is with a dusting of crushed Oregano leaves. To release its flavor, crush Oregano by hand or with a mortar and pestle before using it in your recipes.本回答被网友采纳