急求口语对话 A and B are talking about a student called Kate.It is said that Kate got the hig


A: Hey Professor B, do you know a student named Kate in Professor C's class?
B: Say hi back, Professor A. Of course, I know. I mean how can I not know Kate. When it comes to Kate, Professor C will certainly get on her hobbyhorse again.

A: Yep. She is definitely one of her pet students, the pride of her class, the apple of her eye, the most treasured...
B: Knock it off, Professor A. Your just sounded like Professor C. Kate is great, but not that great, OK. Besides, getting the highest score at the midterm is no big deal at all. I mean, it's the final exam that will count most.

A: You are being jealous again. Anyhow, I wish I had a student like Kate in my class. You know, it'll be like sitting on a goldmine then. Is there any way that...,you know...

B: Perish the thought, Professor A. You know Professor C, you know he is as possessive as a little kid who would rather poo in his pants than leave his toys with other kids and go to the bathroom.
A: Oh, that's...quite original a simile... Is that the way you were with your toys when you...

B: Of course not!!! I used to take the toys with me to the bathroom...追问




第1个回答  2013-07-12
Do you want to be a boss who is starting a company or an employee with a high salary?
Suggested answers:

Answer 1: Different people may have different choices. Some people may put a regular job above good pay for a variety of reasons. Employees usually know what they are supposed to do and have a fairly stable life. With a high-paying job, they and their families can live a comfortable life. When they have accumulated enough money, they can start a business when conditions are favorable. On the other hand, many people want to set up a business of their own right now. Indeed, launching a company involves a lot of effort. What is worse, there is risk. But they like challenges. By trying to establish a company, not only may they make lots of money, they can also develop their abilities to overcome difficulties.

In my own viewpoint I definitely prefer to be a boss to control the situation and handle the tense atmosphere ,make good use of the time and resourses,seize opportunities,and make a final decision for the commercial empire of myself.It is both challenging career but also exciting and wealthy .
However in reality it is not your business to make a decison to be a boss or highly -paid employee. what you can only decide is your attitude towards which role you are gonna to play in the near future .Even a low- paid employee is your first step to the success.