be made up of, be made with, be made of, made



1、be made up of 意思是"由……构成,组成的"。用于说明一个整体由多少数量物体组成。

例句:The group is made of five students. 这支队伍是由4名学生组成的。

2、be made with sth 意思是“制作中用了什么东西”,还可用于抽象意义(比喻等)。

例句:(1)Look, these neatly lined terra cotta warriors seem to be made with a singlemould.  你看,这么多兵马俑都站得整整齐齐的,像是一个模子刻出来的。

(2)Usually they'd be made with a bit of cottage cheese. 饺子通常要加一点松软干酪。

3、(be) made of  指“某物由……制造而成”,从制成品中可以看出原材料,一眼可看出是什么东西做的。

例句:The bookshelf is made of wood. 这个书架是由木头制成的.

4、(be) made from 指“某物由……制造而成”,从制成品中一般看不出或难以分辨出原材料。

例句:Paper is made from wood and bamboo.  纸是由木头和竹子制造而成的.

以上就是be made up of , be made with , made of , made from 区别,可根据具体情况选择相应用语。
