
上课要对话,急求2人对话稿,最好每人在4或5句 急急急!!!

American Situational Conversations
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1. Introductios and Opening Conversations 介绍和开场白 2. Special Greetings 节假日的问候
3. Meeting old friends 老友重逢 4. Saying Goodbye 告别
5. Saying Thank You 道谢 6. Asking People to Repeat 请人复述
7. Asking Favors 求助 8. Giving Compliments 赞美
9. Apologizing 道歉 10. Complaining 抱怨
11. The weather 天气 12. Asking for Change 换零钱
13. Making a Telephone Call 打电话(1)
14. Making a Telephone Call 打电话(2)
15. Asking for Directions 问路 16. Making an Appointment 预约
17. On a Bus 在公共汽车上 18. Taking a Texi 乘出租汽车
19. At a Railroad Station 在火车站
20. The New York City Subway 纽约市的地铁
21. Making Airline Reservations 预定飞机票 22. Renting a Car 租汽车
23. At a Gas Station 在加油站 24. On the Highway 在公路上
25. At a Hotel 在旅馆 26. Finding a Room 找住房
27. At a Bank 在银行 28. In a Post Office 在邮局
29. Getting a Haircut 理发 30. Shopping 购物
31. Planning an Evening Out (1) 计划晚间的外出活动 32. Planning an Evening Out (2) 计划晚间的外出活动
33. Buying Theater Tickets 买戏票 34. Watching Television 看电视
35. Sports 运动 36. At Breakfast 吃早餐
37. At Lunch 吃午餐 38. At Dinner 吃晚餐
39. At Fast Food Restaurant 在快餐馆 40. At a Cocktail Party 在鸡尾酒会上
41. Asking About Health 问候健康 42. At the Doctor's Office 在医生诊所
43. At the Dentist's Office 在牙医诊所 44. At a Drugstore 在药房



