

shadow n. (阴)影; 影象; (荫)暗; 影子 不速之客; 食客 幽灵; 幻影 [pl. ]预料, 苗头, 蛛丝马迹 微量, 少许 隐藏处; ?? 郁郁寡欢(的神色) [pl. ]日落渐暗的天色 暂时中断 极相似的人[物]; 经常在一起的伴侣 [美俚]侦探 [美俚]黑人 (电波传播)静区; 盲区 a twilight shadow 暮色苍茫 shadow cabinet 影子内阁 the shadows of old age 老态 the shadow of a name 虚名 There is not a shadow of doubt. 毫无可疑之处。 The willow's shadow falls on the lake. 垂柳的影子倒映在湖面上。 Coming events cast their shadows before. 事未发生先有苗头。 She is worn to a shadow. 她快要累死了。 A shadow came over their friendship. 他们的友谊暂时中断了。 习惯用语 be afraid of one's own shadow 风声鹤唳; 草木皆兵, 胆小到极点 be a shadow of one's former self 瘦成皮包骨头 be the shadow of one's former self 瘦成皮包骨头 beyond the shadow of a doubt 毫无疑义, 绝对可靠 cast shadows on 给...投下阴影; 使...黯淡 cast shadows upon 给...投下阴影; 使...黯淡 cast one's shadow before 有预兆, 有先兆 catch at shadows (=run after shadows) 捕风捉影; 徒劳 grasp at shadows (=run after shadows) 捕风捉影; 徒劳 fight with one's own shadow 和自己的影子作战, [转]进行毫无结果的斗争; 徒劳无益 five o'clock shadow (刚长出的)胡子楂 follow sb. like a shadow 如影随形地跟着某人 grasp a shadow and let go a substance 抓住影子而放脱实物; 为了渺茫的理想而放弃现实的利益 grasp a shadow and let lose a substance 抓住影子而放脱实物; 为了渺茫的理想而放弃现实的利益 grasp a shadow and let miss a substance 抓住影子而放脱实物; 为了渺茫的理想而放弃现实的利益 grasp the shadow and let go a substance 抓住影子而放脱实物; 为了渺茫的理想而放弃现实的利益 grasp the shadow and let lose a substance 抓住影子而放脱实物; 为了渺茫的理想而放弃现实的利益 grasp the shadow and let miss a substance 抓住影子而放脱实物; 为了渺茫的理想而放弃现实的利益 have only the shadow of (freedom) 获得有名无实的(自由) have shadows under the eyes (因缺乏睡眠, 生病等)眼睛周围有黑圈 have shadows round the eyes (因缺乏睡眠, 生病等)眼睛周围有黑圈 in the shadow 在阴暗处 in the shadow of 在...的附近, 与...很接近 在...的阴影笼罩下 在...的强烈影响或控制下 在...的?は? under the shadow of 在...的附近, 与...很接近 在...的阴影笼罩下 在...的强烈影响或控制下 在...的?は? live in the shadow 隐姓埋名; 过默默无闻的生活 May your shadow never grow less! 祝你长生不老永葆青春! May your shadow never be less! 祝你长生不老永葆青春! mistake shadow for the substance 误把幻影当作真实东西 not a shadow (of) 毫无痕迹, 连影子都没有 quarrel with one's own shadow 自我生气, 容易为小事情而发脾气 reduce to a shadow 瘦得不成样子; 名存实亡 reduce to a skeleton 瘦得不成样子; 名存实亡 the shadow of a shade 幻影; 海市蜃楼; 几乎不存在的东西 wear to a shadow 使瘦得不成样子 使精疲力竭 within the shadow of 在...的身边 without a shadow of doubt 毫不怀疑地, 绝对可靠 wrangle for an ass's shadow 为小事争吵
第1个回答  2014-04-19
.shadow 2.the dark shape that somebody/something's form makes on a surface, for example on the ground, when they are between the light and the surface 阴影;影子 3.darkness in a place or on something, especially so that you cannot easily see who or what is there 昏暗处;背光处;阴暗处 4.a very small amount of something 少许;些微;一丁点 5.the strong (usually bad) influence of somebody/something (坏)影响 6.dark areas under somebody's eyes, because they are tired, etc. 黑眼圈 7.a person or an animal that follows somebody else all the time 形影不离的人(或动物) 8.a thing that is not real or possible to obtain 虚幻的事物;不可能得到的东西 9.to follow and watch somebody closely and often secretly 跟踪;盯梢 10.to be with somebody who is doing a particular job, so that you can learn about it 跟随…实地学习(或参观) 11.to cover something with a shadow 在…上投下(或覆盖)阴影 12.used to refer to senior politicians of the main opposition party who would become government ministers if their party won the next election 影子内阁的本回答被提问者采纳