
be immersed in (沉浸于...) successive specific on one's behalf(为了...的缘故) rather than impress inquest of





Looking back on 2008,We need to appreciate too many things and too many people

When we are immersed in the gladness,We can't forget the people who was in the Wenchuan earthquke dedicated themselves rather than impress inquest of any others which was successive specific on the missing people's behalf.
in 2008,we held Olympic Games successfully.we appreciate all of the players who have been gained honoraries.

and all of them,are the people who deserve to be appreciated.
第1个回答  2008-12-01
1.Waves the hand in 2008, has too many extraordinary matters, has many people to be worth us thanking. when we immerse in holiday happy time, cannot forget in the Wenchuan earthquake, innumerable and earthquake non-correlated person to seek for has been missing the human, they even paid others have been more. 2008, we succeeded have held the Olympic Games, we thanked the athlete who obtained the honor for us! they, are the human who most is worth us thanking!

2.Wave in 2008, there are too many extraordinary things, there are many, many people deserve our gratitude.
When immersed in the joy of the holiday, can not forget the earthquake in Wenchuan, and countless earthquakes were unrelated to the search for the missing people, they even have to pay more than others.

2008, we held a successful Olympic Games, we have to thank for the honor of our athletes!

They are the most worthy of our gratitude to the people!
第2个回答  2008-12-01
Looking back the year of 2008, there are too many extraordinary events and specific thank-worthy people.

When we are immersed in the happiness of festival, we can not forget those heros who successively sacrificed their life to save the missing people during the Wenchuan Earthquake.

Also in the year of 2008, Beijing impress the world with a top-quality olympic game banquet,and our athletes wons great honour on behalf of our country through their unremitting efforts。

Considering the overall situation of 2008, we should remember the moving stories in earthquake rather than forgot, and for the athletes, they should forget the happened honour and struggle for a better future.

By the inquest of a questionaire,all of us believe that the year of 2008 is doomed to be unforgetable in Chinese history
第3个回答  2008-12-01
We waving farewell to 2008, there were successive extraordinary things and quite a few specific people deserving of our high appreciation.

Being immersed in the gaiety of the festival, we are remembering rather than being impressed of those who seemed not related to the Wenchuan Earthquake but had contributed much more than others to executing the inquest of the missing.

In 2008, we held a tremendously successful Olympic Games. We are so thankful to those athletes who won glory on our behalf.

They themself deserve the most gratitude from us all.