




例:I speak English better now.


例:It is she who sings the best in my class.


注:①“It is I”与“It is me.”

传统文法以“It is I.”为正确,但是现代英语使用“It is me.”已很普遍,甚至于要说“It is I who…”也常改说“I am the one who…”,以避开“It is I…”。


例:He does everything very carefully.


例:She was not at the party yesterday.



例:This is our school.


例:He always did his best to help others.



例:This is his own house(=This house is his own.)



例:We all know him.


例:The teacher asks us questions in class.


例:The new teacher took Amy for me this morning.


例:I sometimes go camping with them.



例:Mary is older that he by two years.



例:I love you more than he (loves you).


I love you more than (I love) her.



例:I believe (that ) it was he who wrote that letter.


Do you really believe it to be him?



you and I/me

you, he/she, and I/me

he/she and I/me

you and he/she

例:You and I are to blame, not she.


例:Would you and Mary like to come with us?


例:She didn't know whether to ring you or me.


(2)We, You, They的特别用法



例:Indeed we want freedom, but we must obey laws.



例:We grow rice in Taiwan.


例:We don't have much rain here in autumn.




例:Nowadays you young people don't marry so early as we did years ago.


例:When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do.




例:They always say the same words when an accident happens.



例:They grow corn in those states.


(iii)They = People

例:They say that there will be a new war in the Middle East.

(=People say that…)

(=It is said that…)

第1个回答  2008-11-29

主格 I you he she we they
宾格 me you him her us them
形物代 my your his her our their
名物代 mine yours his hers ours theirs
反身代词 myself yourself himself herself ourselves themselves本回答被提问者采纳