


堪培拉是澳洲联邦的首都,全国的政治文化中心。建于1913年,是由美国人格里芬设计的,有不少独到之处。它坐落在新南威尔士州的东南部。北依艾因斯莱山、黑山和快乐山,南靠54O米高的阿尔卑斯山,中间莫伦格鲁河穿城而过。堪培拉、词源于土著语汇 KAMBERRA,是“聚会之处”的意思。市中心是秀丽的人工湖一一格里芬猢。整个城市以此湖为心,呈放射形向外伸展。湖的南面是行政区,北面是商业区,西面是文化区。堪培拉的重要建筑物有联邦政府议会大厦、澳洲国立图书馆、科学院大楼、世界战争死难者纪念馆等。堪培拉因依山傍水,四周有茂密的丛林和丘陵环绕,素“花园城市”的美称。



2 回复:-澳大利亚主要城市介绍




横跨杰克进海的大铁桥,建于1932年,全长1885米,宽49米。从海面到桥面59米,桥顶离海面134米。它像一道彩虹横贯海湾,把悉尼南北两区接连起来。设计通行能力为每小时6000辆汽车,128列火车和电车, 4万名行人。此桥气势磅礴,在海上歌剧院建成之前,曾是悉尼的标志。


作者: 爱芝哟 2007-12-22 18:03 回复此发言


3 回复:-澳大利亚主要城市介绍


作者: 爱芝哟 2007-12-22 18:03 回复此发言


4 回复:-澳大利亚主要城市介绍






作者: 爱芝哟 2007-12-22 18:03 回复此发言


5 回复:-澳大利亚主要城市介绍








7 6.阿得雷德



阿得雷德还是游览葡萄酒产地巴罗萨谷的根据地。巴罗萨谷最适宜葡萄生长,最早的移民中,有一批身怀酿酒技艺的德国人,所以此地即成为盛产葡萄美酒的故乡。25家酒厂所酿造的酒占全澳产量的三分之一, 而且质量上乘,闻名世界。

第1个回答  2008-12-11
第2个回答  2008-12-11
Sydney (pronounced /ˈsɪdniː/) is the most populous city in Australia, with a metropolitan area population of approximately 4.28 million (2006 estimate).[1] It is the state capital of New South Wales, and was the site of the first British colony in Australia. It was established in 1788 at Sydney Cove by Arthur Phillip, leader of the First Fleet from Britain.[3] A resident of the city is referred to as a Sydneysider.

Sydney is situated on Australia's south-east coast. The city is built around Port Jackson, which includes Sydney Harbour, leading to the city's nickname, "the Harbour City". It is noted for the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge, and its beaches. The metropolitan area is surrounded by national parks, and contains many bays, rivers and inlets. It is listed as a beta world city by the Loughborough University group's 1999 inventory.[4] The city has hosted international sporting, political and cultural events, including the 1938 British Empire Games, 2000 Summer Olympics and the 2003 Rugby World Cup. In September 2007, the city hosted the leaders of the 21 APEC economies for APEC Australia 2007, and in July 2008 hosted World Youth Day 2008. The main airport serving Sydney is Sydney Airport.

Sydney is one of the most multicultural cities in the world, which reflects its role as a major destination for immigrants to Australia.[5] According to the Mercer cost of living survey, Sydney is Australia’s most expensive city, and the 15th most expensive in the world.[6]



Melbourne (pronounced /ˈmelbən/) is the second most populous city in Australia, with a metropolitan area population of approximately 3.8 million (2007 estimate) and serves as the state capital of Victoria.[1] It is located at the mouth of the Yarra River and on the northern and eastern shorelines of Port Phillip on an area of land that formed part of the Wurundjeri and Boonwurrung nations' territories for at least 31,000 years. The area was an important meeting place for clans and territories of the Kulin nation alliance as well as a vital food and water resource[3] that was managed sustainably until early European settlers cleared much of these resources, forcing both nations' peoples into neighbouring territories or mission stations.[4][5][3]

Melbourne was founded by free settlers in 1835, 47 years after the first European settlement of Australia, as a pastoral settlement situated around the Yarra River.[6] Transformed rapidly into a major metropolis by the Victorian gold rush in the 1850s, 'Marvellous Melbourne' became Australia's largest and most important city and, by 1865, was the second largest city in the British Empire,[7] and the tenth largest in the world for a short time at the turn of the 20th century. Such rapid growth from nothing was unprecedented. However, Melbourne's growth slowed during the early 20th century and was overtaken by Sydney's.[8]

Today, Melbourne is a major centre of commerce, industry and cultural activity.

The city calls itself Australia's 'sporting and cultural capital'[9] and it is home to many of the nation's most significant cultural and sporting events and institutions. It has been recognised as a gamma world city by the Loughborough University group's 1999 inventory.[10] Melbourne is notable for its mix of Victorian and contemporary architecture, its extensive tram network and Victorian parks and gardens, as well as its diverse, multicultural society.[11] Melbourne has hosted many international conferences and events, including the 1956 Summer Olympics and the 2006 Commonwealth Games. It was the location of the 1981 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting[12] and the 2006 G20 summit.[13]

Melbourne served as the seat of the federal government from the time of the new nation's federation in 1901, until Federal Parliament moved to the purpose-built capital, Canberra, in 1927.[14] Melbourne's demonym is Melburnian.[a]



http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/zh/2/27/S_31_Vires_Acquirit_Eundo.jpg(雅拉河王子桥(Princes Bridge)上的随行聚力街灯)



Canberra (pronounced /ˈkænbɹə/[3]) is the capital city of Australia. With a population of over 340,000, it is Australia's largest inland city. The city is located at the northern end of the Australian Capital Territory, 280 km (170 mi) south-west of Sydney, and 650 km (400 mi) north-east of Melbourne. The site of Canberra was selected for the location of the nation's capital in 1908 as a compromise between rivals Sydney and Melbourne, Australia's two largest cities. It is unusual among Australian cities, being an entirely purpose-built, planned city. Following an international contest for the city's design, a design by the Chicago architects Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin was selected and construction commenced in 1913. The city's design was heavily influenced by the garden city movement and incorporates significant areas of natural vegetation that have earned Canberra the title "bush capital". Although the growth and development of Canberra were hindered by the World Wars and the Great Depression, it emerged as a thriving city after World War II.

As the seat of the government of Australia, Canberra is the site of Parliament House, the High Court of Australia and numerous government departments and agencies. It is also the location of many social and cultural institutions of national significance, such as the Australian War Memorial, National Gallery of Australia, National Museum of Australia, and the National Library of Australia. The federal government contributes the largest percentage of Gross State Product and is the largest single employer in Canberra.



第3个回答  2008-12-11
第4个回答  2008-12-11
New York City, officially the City of New York, is the most populous city in the United States and the most densely populated major city in North America.

The city is at the center of international finance, politics, entertainment, and culture, and is one of the world's major global cities with a virtually unrivaled collection of museums, galleries, performance venues, media outlets, international corporations, and financial markets. It is also home to the global headquarters of the United Nations.

Located in the state of New York, New York City has a population of 8.1 million[1] within an area of 321 square miles (approximately 830 km²).[2] It is at the heart of the New York Metropolitan Area, which at a population of 22 million is among the largest urban areas in the world.[3] The city proper consists of five boroughs: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Each of these boroughs, except for Staten Island, is home to at least a million people and would each be among the nation's largest cities if considered independently.

Nicknamed "the Big Apple", the city attracts large numbers of immigrants from over 180 countries, as well as people from all over the United States, who come for its culture, energy, cosmopolitanism, and economic opportunity. The city is also currently notable for having the lowest crime rate among major American cities.

Washington, D.C. is the capital city of the United States of America. "D.C." stands for the "District of Columbia", the federal district containing the city of Washington. The city is named after George Washington, military leader of the American Revolution and the first President of the United States. The District of Columbia and the city of Washington are coextensive and are governed by a single municipal government, so for most practical purposes they are considered to be the same entity (this was not always the case, though, as Georgetown was a separate city within the District until 1871). However, although there is a municipal government and a mayor, as per Article I, Section VIII, of the United States Constitution, Congress has the sole authority over this federal district. It is commonly known as the District, D.C., or simply Washington. Historically, it was called the Federal City or Washington City.

The District of Columbia, founded on July 16, 1790, is a federal district as specified by the United States Constitution. The U.S. Congress has ultimate authority over the District of Columbia, though it has delegated limited local rule to the municipal government. The land forming the original District came from the states of Virginia and Maryland. However, the area south of the Potomac River (39 mi² or about 100 km²) was returned, or "retroceded", to Virginia in 1847 and now is incorporated into Arlington County and the City of Alexandria. The term "District of Columbia" is derived from an old poetic name for the United States, Columbia, which has fallen out of common use since the early 20th century.

The centers of all three branches of the U.S. federal government are in Washington, D.C., as well as the headquarters of most federal agencies. Washington also serves as the headquarters for the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Organization of American States, among other international (and national) institutions. All of this has made Washington the frequent focal point of massive political demonstrations and protests, particularly on the National Mall. Washington is also the site of numerous national landmarks, museums, and sports teams, and is a popular destination for tourists.

The population of the District of Columbia, as of 2003 U.S. Census Bureau estimates, is 563,384. The Greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area includes the District of Columbia and parts of Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia, with a population surpassing 4.7 million. If Washington, D.C., were considered a state, it would rank last in area behind Rhode Island, 50th in population ahead of Wyoming, and 36th in Gross State Product, ahead of 15 states, and its GSP per capita would be #1 by far compared to other states.

The City of Los Angeles, also known simply as L.A. or informally as the City of Angels, is the second-largest city in the United States in terms of population. It was incorporated as a city in California on April 4, 1850 and is the county seat and the largest city in Los Angeles County. As of the 2000 U.S. Census, the city had a population of 3.69 million, though a July 1, 2004 estimate placed the city's population at 3.85 million, out of 10 million residents in the county. Los Angeles serves as the core and most important city of the sprawling Southern California urban area which counts nearly 18 million residents. The city is also large by geographic standards since it sprawls over more than 465 square miles (1,200 square kilometers), making it larger than either New York City or Chicago in area.

Los Angeles is one of the cultural, economic, scientific and entertainment centers of the country. The city is also one of the most cosmopolitan places in the world, as well as a vanguard of creativity, since it is home to individuals from virtually every nation on Earth. People have always been attracted to the city for its balmy weather, vibrant lifestyle, unique, high-velocity energy, Pacific Rim gateway status, and the opportunity to realize the "American Dream." In addition, Los Angeles hosted two Olympic Games (in 1932 and 1984) and is home to world-renowned scientific and cultural institutions.