英语作文the relationship between human and nature



1、作文题目:the relationship between human and nature


①、Declaration of Dependence declares that all men are created equal. However, the laws can guarantee human rights , by whom can the nature rights be protected? 

中文翻译:《人权宣言》宣告所有的人都是平等的。 但是,法律可以保障人权,自然权利可以由谁来保护?

The Outlook of Scientific Development requires that we should pursue the harmonious coexistence between human and nature. Actually , that is just the relationship between human and nature.

中文翻译:科学发展观要求我们要追求人与自然的和谐共处。 实际上,这仅仅是人与自然之间的关系。

②、Human beings live in a natural world, developing nature and harnessing nature.


At the same time, they are also exerting influences on nature. This influence has become more and more obvious as humans' productivity increases rapidly. 

中文翻译:同时,它们也在对自然产生影响。 随着人类生产力的迅速提高,这种影响变得越来越明显。

Beyond any doubt, we must now admit that the influence is mostly negative, that is to say that we are achieving development at the expense of destroying the natural environment.


Is this the path we must take? From the point of view of Marx's dialectical materialism, it is clear that this is an extremely erroneous view of the relationship between man and nature. This extensive approach, regardless of the development of future generations, is necessarily unsustainable.

中文翻译:这是我们必须走的路吗? 从马克思的辩证唯物主义的观点来看,很明显,这是对人与自然之间关系的极其错误的看法。 无论子孙后代的发展如何,这种广泛的方法必然是不可持续的。

③、In short, human beings use their own practical activities to influence and transform the natural world, in which the natural world continues its own existence and development in new forms. 


At the same time, nature also affects human survival through environmental changes. Therefore human beingsannot violate the laws of nature and transcend the endurance of nature to transform nature, conquer nature, and destroy nature. 

中文翻译:同时,自然也会通过环境变化影响人类的生存。 因此,人类并没有违反自然法则,而是超越自然的承受力来改造自然,征服自然,破坏自然。

By adhering to the laws of nature and insisting on the correct methodology to understand nature as well as transform the world, only in this way can human be able to live in harmony with nature and create a more splendid human civilization.





2、英语的省略号一般使用“..”是3点,不是像汉语那样用6点“... ...”




