

Reading is a very good habit. It can help you acquire a richer vocabulary. It can help open broaden your horizon by becoming aware of more things in the world, in addition to your immediate surroundings. Reading teaches you to make connections between events, such as causal effects. As opposed to learning things the hard way, it is better to learn from others’ experiences, which they have recorded in the form of books and other written materials.

读书是一个非常好的习惯。可以帮助你丰富的词汇量。而且可以开你的眼界,让你人生有更多可能,因为你会了解世界上更多的东西,不只是你身边所发生的。 读书可以教你在事件们之间产生联系,比如因果关系。我们不需要自己吃一堑长一智,从别人的经验学习更好。而别人的经验他们写在书里或者其他的书面格式。