英语作文 写给明年读高二的自己 带翻译


Everybody dreams to be a richer,so do i.But when they have money they will do many different things. As for me,maybe i will do something like these.每个人都梦想过成为一个有钱人,我也不例外.但是有钱以后都会做出很多不一样的事情,但是对我来说可能我会做一些像这样的事情吧.
First,my parents brought me up with many hardships.父母把我养大吃了很多苦.So i want to pay back her myself.所以我要用自己的力量去报答他们.I Want to buy her everything they need.我想买给他们一切需要的东西.Second,this is my own hope.I want to open a restaurant ,which i can sell tasted food to everyone.我想开一家饭店,买好吃的给所有人.If it can come ture,i will happy to die.如果真的实现的话,我会开心死的.
Last but not least,As the saying goes ,Gentlemen love money in a proper way.最后但最重要的一点,俗话说的好,君子爱财取之有道.So i will become a richer through my own efforts.所以我会通过自己的努力去成为富有的人.What mentioned above is someting about what i want to do ,if i am rich.