
correct errors.if any,in the following sentences:
1.Such briliant authors are really genii of our times.
2.There were some lookers-on by the roadside,but they didn't inform the police of the accident.
3.Luggages are not allowed to be left here.

1. 无错
2. 无错
3. Luggages应该改成Luggage。

1. 首先指出briliant应该拼写为brilliant。
另外指出的是, “时代”有表示为time的也有表示为times的。表示为times没有什么错误。
2. lookers-on是合成名词。
(1)将主体名词变为复数 sons-in-law, lookers-on, passers-by, story-tellers, boy friends
(2)无主体名词时将最后一部分变为复数 grown-ups, housewives, stopwatches
(3)将两部分变为复数 women singers, men servants
3. Luggages应该改成Luggage。因为Luggage是不可数名词,是没有复数形式的。
第1个回答  2008-10-10
1.Such briliant authors are really genii of our times.
genius 天才 他的复数是geniuses.
time 在这里指“时代”,没有复数。

这句话正确的是:Such briliant authors are really geniuses of our time.

2.There were some lookers on by the roadside,but they didn't inform the police of the accident.
单复数没问题。on by the roadside有问题。去掉on

3.Luggages are not allowed to be left here.
单复数没问题。但是left用的不对。left是leave 的过去式,离开的意思。这里应该是说箱子不能被“拿走”,所以用be taken away。
Luggages are not allowed to be taken away from here。
第2个回答  2022-01-02
1 genie noun.(pl. genies or genii ) (阿拉伯故事中会魔法的妖怪有只住在瓶子或灯里的)精灵,镇尼
genius noun (pl.geniuses) 天才
所以authors 对应 geniuses(天才)而非 genii(精灵) ,此外brilliant 是两个ll
2 没错 原题应是looker-ons
3 luggage/baggage noun 不可数
所以改为Luggage is