

编剧还是做了不少铺垫和伏笔的,也许日后能派上用场。PS:写日志时为了搜集资料,重温了一下剧情,感觉真好~~ 从某种意义上讲《美少女的谎言》每一位演员都有可能是"A",但是通常我们假设某个人,你们懂得,就是剧中人物。但是有怀疑过Maya吗?事实上,她和"A"同时走进了Emily的生活(指S01E01Maya搬进Alison家原来的房子和Emily做邻居,结尾处大家第一次收到了"A"的短信),而离开人们视野又恰巧是"A"大动干戈的时候(指S01E14Maya去戒毒所以后)。于是,你们懂得——大家寄托了一部分感情给Emaya(Emily&Maya),但可能事与愿违。看看以下四个细节,来验证Maya可能就是那个暗中潜行发送神秘短信的人!1、她穿的新鞋子!让我们再来关注一下夏季档大结局的这个镜头:Hanna打扰了Emaya的难得独处,但在她离开前,她评论了一句Maya那双不合时宜的鞋子,随后Maya便表现出很不自然。那么下个季节我们再注意一下Maya的鞋子,因为如果她还穿着Tory Burch(一个著名的服饰品牌),我们都知道是时候爬山了。(Hanna观察的可真细致,话说Hanna观察过很多人的鞋子,包括"A"。小编似乎在暗示,Maya穿的鞋子比较厚,适合野外行走,后来小美女们在山坡树林里发生的事是不是和她有关呢?)2、她曾经住在Alison的房子里!在DiLaurentis搬出后,Maya搬进了原来Alison住的房子,所以她有机会接触Alison所有的秘密。我们已经知道Alison藏着很多箱子,里面装着未冲洗的胶片和令人毛骨悚然的娃娃,可谁又能知道这个女孩在她的衣橱里还藏着些什么呢?更为重要的是,Maya发现了什么?3、她真的去少管所了吗?其实在第一季一开始Maya就曾经在少管所呆过,这给了她以后一个很好的不在场证明——但是仔细想一想:我们并未真正的目睹过Maya在少管所,而且有一次Emily打给她,她闪烁其词匆忙挂断了。(S01E14一段剧情)我们都知道,这个女孩有过独自生活在堆满红色油漆罐的某个隐秘树丛中的经历。4、她很有目的性的再次接近Emily!毫无疑问"A"单独把Emily引诱出来,如果"A"是Maya这就完全讲得通!(指大结局Emily被单独引到仓库并被亲吻)Maya更像一个你中学时代痴情的帅哥——他无情的挑逗着你,但他的真实意图只是想把你引到露天看台上。这似乎成为Maya是充满妄想而又阴魂不散的神秘人的一个可靠证据。说服你了吗,PLLers? ---------------------------------------------------永远爱大家------------------------------------------------ 英文原稿:OMG! Is Maya "A"?August 30 at 01:09PM EDT by Mehera Bonner All the characters on Pretty Little Liars have made our “A” list at some point or another, but usually we suspect people who are, you know, actually on the show. But what about Maya (Bianca Lawson)? She entered Emily (Shay Mitchell)’s life at the same time “A” did, and left the show just as things with “A” started heating up. We know, we know — you ‘shippers love yourselves some Emaya, but hear us out.
Check out 4 reasons we think Maya is moonlighting as a serial stalker with magic massage hands!
1. She’s rocking new boots! Take a look at this sneak peek clip from the PLL summer finale: Hanna (Ashley Benson) crashes Emaya’s hang sesh, but before she peaces out, she compliments Maya on “this season’s” boots and Maya looks completely deranged. Pay attention to Maya’s feet next season, because if she’s rocking Tory Burch, we’ll all know it’s time to run for the hills.
2. She lived in Ali’s house! Maya moved into Ali (Sasha Pieterse)’s house after the DiLaurentis family moved out, so she had access to all of Ali’s secrets. We already know Ali kept boxes of undeveloped film and creepy dolls stashed away, and who knows what else this girl was hiding in her closet of couture dresses. More importantly, what did Maya find?
3. Was she really at juvie? Maya’s been at juvie camp since the beginning of Season 1, so she technically has an alibi — but think about it: We never actually saw Maya at camp, and the one time Emily called her she was totally sketchy. For all we know, this girl has been living out in the woods somewhere with a couple cans of red paint as her only company.
4. She has motive to target Emily! It’s no secret that “A” has it out for Emily, which completely makes sense if “A” is Maya! Maya is like that boy you had a crush on in middle school — he teased you mercilessly, but really he just wanted to make out with you under the bleachers. It looks like Maya might have a serious case of the delusional stalker jellies.
Have we convinced you, PLLers? 英文图文转自Wetpaint。由人人网“美少女的谎言”公共主页管理员手工搜集整理翻译。如需转载,请注明出处!公共主页讨论小组已开放,希望PLLers积极关注,多多交流。