represent 同on behalf of 有什么分别?


第1个回答  2022-10-06
on behalf of somebody/ on somebody's behalf,词性:preposition phrase。 解释有三: the representative of somebody or instead of them,代表/ 代替某人。 Mr Chan cannot be here
so his wife will accept the prize on his behalf. 2.US写法:in behalf of somebody/ in somebody's behalf; in order to help somebody,为了帮忙某人。 We collected money in behalf of the homeless. 3.because of somebody; for somebody,因为某人。 Don't worry on my behalf. represent,词性:verb。 由于represent是verb,所以跟on behalf of somebody的用法不同,但意思与上面的解释一有点相似。 意思是to speak
act or be present officially for another person or people,代表某人。 柯林斯字典有这样的解释: If someone such as a lawyer or a politician represents a person or group of people
they act on behalf of that person or group. If you represent a person or group at an official event
you go there on their behalf. If you represent your country or town in a petition or sports event
you take part in it on behalf of the country or town where you live. 例句: They chose a famous barrister to represent them in court. The general secretary may represent the president at official ceremonies. My only aim is to represent Britain at the Olympics. 总结: represent是动词;但on somebody's behalf是preposition phrase,所以用它时要加上动词。 2010-08-25 10:32:41 补充: 例子: He represented her. He did sth on her behalf.