one afternoon……阅读翻译


It all comes down to this..."One Afternoon."
If I could take away one moment from the years
that I have lived, I think it would be wrapped up
like a gift between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m.

Oh, how I do love the early morning hours
dampened slightly by the mist of foggy
dreams the night time brings. The sun light
rolls across the blades of grass and nudges
petals of the morning glory, "Wake up, my
beauty! I promise you warmth if you do."
Then responding like two lovers, one caresses
the other and the world is better for it.

Then there are within the early hours of the day
the flavor of fresh brewed coffee and the
kiss of cinnamon rolls upon my lips.

That is hard to compare with afternoon.
第1个回答  2014-10-30
遥想我读书那年,还真没见过这样的阅读:one afternoon……
只听说:long long ago……
第2个回答  2014-10-30
第3个回答  2014-10-30