


/ ˈkʌntrɪ; ˋkʌntrɪ/ n

(a) [C] area of land that forms a politically
independent unit; nation; state 国; 国家: European countries
欧洲各国 * There will be rain in all parts of the
country. 全国各地将有雨. (b) the country [sing] the people of
a country(1a); the nation as a whole 全国人民; 全民: The whole
country resisted the invaders. 全民抗击侵略者. =>Usage 见所附用法.
the country [sing] land away from towns and cities,
typically with fields, woods, etc and used for agriculture 乡下; 乡村; 田野: live in the country 住在乡下 * a day in
the country 乡间一日 * We travelled across
country, ie across fields, etc or not by a main road. 我们走在田野上. *
[attrib 作定语] country roads, life, areas 乡村的道路﹑
生活﹑ 地区.
[U] (often with a preceding adj 常用於形容词之後) area of land (esp with regard to its
physical or geographical features) 地区, 区域(尤指带有某种地形或地势的): rough, marshy, etc country 崎岖不平的﹑ 多沼泽的...地区 * We passed through miles of wooded country. 我们经过了大片的森林地带. *
This is unknown country to me, ie I have not been
here before, or (fig 比喻) This is an unfamiliar
topic to me. 我以前没到过这里(或作: 我对这问题一窍不通).
[U] (esp US)
country-and-western music 乡村与西部音乐: [attrib 作定语] a country
singer 乡村音乐的歌手 * country music

第1个回答  2020-07-08
第2个回答  2014-09-24
country 国家的意思,求采纳
第3个回答  2014-09-24
country 名词 国家、乡村
第4个回答  2014-09-24
country [英]ˈkʌntri
n. 国家;国民;乡下;地区
[例句]Country jump : sri lanka tocanada