用“be native to”怎么造句?


1、There are six spoken languages that are considered to be native to the british isles as well as two local accents


2、They are native to the himalayas , southeastern asia , the mountains of malaysia and the coast of the northern hemisphere

3、Because the format of the data is native to the destination , the data requires no translation and little parsing

4、Returns a boolean value that indicates whether the specified namespace is native to the common language runtime

5、In which 279 ferns , in 50 families and 114 genera are native to guangdong , distributed mainly in northern and central guangdong

6、Trains and buses take too long and also would put stress on the animals that are native to australia , zoo officials said

7、You can use this method only on value types that have constructors ; however , value types that are native to c do not have constructors
只能将此方法用于具有构造函数的值类型;但是, c #固有的值类型没有构造函数。

8、The parasite is native to the atlantic but is now found along the british columbia and washington state coast

9、The pygmy hippopotamus stands about one metre high and is native to west africa . numbers in the wild have fallen to below 2000 since 1993

10、To better take advantage of core language strengths , various developers have developed xml processing apis that are native to particular languages
要更好地利用核心语言的优势,一些开发人员已经开发了本地针对特定语言的xml处理api 。

11、The flag of this country carries the silhouette of a bird of paradise , which is native to new guinea . these birds are famed for their dazzling plumage

12、This bird is native to southern china , where it is resident for the whole of the year . spotted doves are found in abundance throughout hong kong , including its urban areas

13、Though no human population is native to antarctica , about 1 , 000 people work there in the summer months , and another 12 , 000 tourists visit every year
虽然南极洲没有土著居民,但每年夏季的几个月里,约有1000人在那儿工作,另外还有约12 , 000名游客来此参观。

14、After you create a link , users can query data and metadata in the linked object , just as they do in any similar object that is native to the cube

15、The flag of this country carries the silhouette [ 2 ] of a bird of paradise , which is native to new guinea . these birds are famed for their dazzling plumage and courtship displays
