



    May I...?</ 例如:May I use your pen?</ 我可以借用你的笔吗?这种询问方式会让你的请求显得更有礼貌。
    Can you...</ 例如:Can you tell me the way to the nearest bookstore?</ 你能告诉我最近的书店怎么走吗?亲近而直接的询问方式让你的求助更具亲和力。


    I'd like to...</ 例如:I'd like to invite you to dinner next week.</ 我想邀请你下周共进晚餐。这样的表达,既展现了你的诚意,又留有余地。
    Would you please...</ 例如:Would you please pass me the salt?</ 你能递一下盐吗?这种婉转的请求方式,能避免直白的冲突。


    例句1:</ "I'm honored to have the opportunity to speak today." 今天能发言,我感到十分荣幸。
    例句2:</ "It's an honor to be friends with you." 与你成为朋友,我深感荣幸。
    例句3:</ "I'm honored to introduce our new president." 介绍新会长,我倍感荣幸。

而询问和表达观点时,使用像"How about..."这样的句型:

    如散步:</ "How about taking a walk along the riverbank?"
    如咖啡:</ "How about grabbing a cup of coffee together?"

还有表达观点和建议时,试试"I think...":

    如不可能:</ "I think it might be difficult to finish the project on time."
    可能有帮助:</ "I think practicing regularly will definitely help you improve."

最后,用"I sincerely hope..."来传递祝福和期望:

    白头偕老:</ "I sincerely hope you have a happy and long-lasting marriage."
    玩得开心:</ "I sincerely hope you have a great time at the party."

面对拒绝,用"I'm afraid..."来婉转表达:

    例1:</ "I'm afraid I have to leave early tonight."
    例2:</ "I'm afraid I can't assist with that right now."
    例3:</ "I'm afraid you might need to reconsider your plans."


    展现勇气:</ "Be bold and confident in your decisions!"
    注意安全:</ "Be careful when crossing the street."
    无需介意:</ "Don't worry, everything will work out."

