get married with

get married with 和 get married to 正确性.请不要自己回答除非你是英语老师.首先我的英文老师说没有get married with 的用法,然后我们班的同学在牛津和各大词典里寻找确切证据,在牛津中是这样解释的;marry
/ 5mArI; `mArI/ v (pt, pp married) 1 [I, Tn] take (sb) as a husband or wife 与(某人)结婚; 嫁或娶(某人): They married (when they were) young. 他们年轻轻就结了婚. * She didn't marry until she was over fifty. 她直到五十多岁才结婚. * He married again six months after the divorce. 他离婚后半年就又结婚了. * Jane is going to marry John. 简就要嫁给约翰了. 2 [Tn] (of a clergyman or civil official, etc) join (a couple) in marriage at a ceremony (指牧师或官员等)为(双方)主持婚礼: Which priest is going to marry them? 哪位牧师来为他们主持婚礼? * They were married by her (ie the bride's) father, who's a bishop. 新娘的父亲是主教, 为他们主持了婚礼. 3 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth) with sth (fig 比喻) combine (sth) successfully with sth else 使(某事物)与另事物结合: training that marries well with the needs of the job 密切结合工作需要的训练 * She marries wit and/with scholarship in her writing. 她的写作中融合了智慧和学识. 4 (idm 习语) ,marry in `haste, re,pent at `leisure (saying 谚) if one gets married too hurriedly one may regret it for a long time 结婚匆匆, 后悔无穷. marry money (infml 口) marry a rich person 和有钱人结婚. 6 (phr v) marry into sth become a part of (a family, etc) by marrying 因结婚而成为(某家庭等)的成员: He married into the French aristocracy. 他因婚姻关系跻身於法国贵族. marry sb off get rid of (a daughter) by finding a husband for her 将(女儿)嫁出. marry up (infml 口) (of parts) join up or assemble correctly; match3 (指若干部分)配合, 匹配, 结合: The two halves of the structure didn't marry up. 该结构的两部分未配合好. * (fig 比喻) The two versions of the story don't quite marry up. 那件事的两种说法不大一致.
只能找到marry to的用法俄.可是我的新概念的两个老师和很多其他班的老师都说是get married to或是marry to也可以是marry直接使用
希望各位网友找到get married with 正确性的证据,可以是一本权威词典或是权威官方网站里关于get married with 的正确性!不要内容只要书名或是网站地址就好




1.当“嫁、娶”讲时,可用marry,marry为及物动词,后面直接加宾语(marry sb.)。例如:Jane married Jone.珍妮嫁给了约翰。亦可用 to get married to (someone)。例如: She got married to someone named Frank。 她嫁给一个叫 Frank 的人。

2.当“结婚”讲时,marry为不及物动词,尤其是在非正式英语中,一般用get married 或 be married,来表示结婚这件事。例如:My best friend got married last weekend. 我最好的朋友上个周末结婚了。 这两个短语后又都可接介词to+sb,表“和...结婚”。例如:She got married to a teacher。/ She was married to a teacher.
注:这里我们一般不用get married with!这是习惯用法,约定俗成的。如果你非得用with,那就用marry的名词形式marriage。例如:Her marriage with John is successful .她和约翰的婚姻是成功的。

3.你的老师还提及了marry to,这也是对的,但使用它时,一般用marry的引申意义,表把全部精力给予……。例如:He's married to his work。他把全部精力都用在工作上了。

4.关于你说的get married with,在第二点我已说过,是错的!所以很遗憾,不可能找到说明它正确的证据。不过却有一个短语叫 to be married with children,是表示“已经结婚生子了”。 例如: She's married with children to Joey. 她和 Joey 已经结婚,并有孩子了。还有一个短语为marry up with,表示“结合、配合”例如:Jordan was married up with a relation。乔丹和一个亲戚结了婚。

第1个回答  2008-11-22
marry vt 结婚 ,娶 (直接带宾语。)
例:He married Miss Green last year.
got /be married to 与……结婚
但用于现在完成时,与持续性时间连用时,要用be married to ,因为get在这个短语中为瞬间动词。
例:They have been married for 10 years.
He has been married to Miss Wang for one year.
第2个回答  2008-11-29
get married to sb是嫁给某人。
get married with sb∕sth是带着某人或某物嫁人。
第3个回答  2008-11-22
没有get married to or with的说法

只有 marry sb.!


John married Marry!

口语中没有那么严格的。你跟别人说 get married with or to别人都听得懂的