I had 与I've had 的区别,需有例句详解?


不知小编的I had是指I had sth还是I had done

如果是I had sth 即表示我曾经拥有过什么东西

I once had a big dream.我曾经拥有一个很大的梦想。

如果是I had done 即是过去完成时 表示发生在过去的两个动作在前的那一个,它表示句子中描述的动作在“过去的过去”

When we arrive he had already left.当我们到达时他已经离开了。

而I've had 即是 I have done 表示现在完成时 have的过去分词是had 所以had即是那个done

I have had a headache for the last two days.

第1个回答  2023-04-18

"I had" 是过去时,表示过去某个时间点或一段时间内所发生的事情或状态。而 "I've had" 是现在完成时,表示过去某个时间点开始到现在为止所发生的事情或状态对当前造成的影响或结果。


    I had breakfast at 7am this morning.(我今天早上七点吃了早餐。)

    I've had a headache since yesterday.(我昨天开始头痛至今。)

    I had a great time at the party last night.(昨晚聚会我玩得很开心。)

    I've had this car for five years.(这辆车我已经有五年了。)

    She had a baby boy last week.(她上周生了一个男孩。)

    He's had enough of this job.(他对这份工作已经忍耐不住了。)