
1.Policeman:Why did you park your car on the yellow lines?
Driver:Because the sign says"Fine for Parking."

这句话所讲的是fine的双关:标志牌上的“Fine for Parking”意思是“禁止停车、停车便罚款”,可是司机将 fine理解为“好的,妙的。”

2.A man sits down at a table in a restaurant and asks,"Do you serve crabs here?"
The waiter says,"Sure,sit down.We serve anybody."


That I want to talk today, is humorous sarcasm about harmonic tone equivoque example。
Let's look about thses two examples:
1.Policeman:Why did you park your car on the yellow lines?
Driver:Because the sign says"Fine for Parking."

This words are about the double meanings of fine:Upper "Fine of sign plate for Parking " meaning is "a parking ban , just the fine parking" , the driver understands the fine means "good , wonderful ".

2.A man sits down at a table in a restaurant and asks,"Do you serve crabs here?"
The waiter says,"Sure,sit down.We serve anybody."

In here, serve has double meanings, serve expression "provides food " , is followed by asking questions, but humorous general understands that being to "services" ,that result is just like the customer having a meal and crab is the same kind in the waiter eye ,or indicate the effect here, or being indicate the waiter's humor or ignorant and so on .Borrow this to reach humorous sarcasm effect.

第1个回答  2008-11-26
Today, I want to say is the homonym pun of ironic humor example
Let us look at the following two examples:
1.Policeman: Why did you park your car on the yellow lines?
Driver: Because the sign says "Fine for Parking."

This remark by talking about the fine pun: the signs of "Fine for Parking" means "no-stopping, parking will be fine", but the driver would be fine as "good, and the Miao."

2.A man sits down at a table in a restaurant and asks, "Do you serve crabs here?"
The waiter says, "Sure, sit down.We serve anybody."
Here, serve double usage, the question that serve "to provide", followed by food, but in answer to the humor will serve as "services", followed by the client; results of the waiter in the eyes of the customers seem to eat and Crab is the same, or that this is the restaurant's guests on equal treatment, or show that the waiter or ignorance, and so humorous, ironic humor to achieve results.