

第1个回答  2024-05-26
1. The game of Go, also known as围棋 in Chinese, originated in ancient China over 2,500 years ago, making it one of the oldest board games still in play today.
2. Once considered one of the four essential arts of the Chinese scholar-officials, Go was esteemed as a refined pastime of the aristocratic class.
3. The earliest written record of Go is found in the historical text Zuo Zhuan, dating back to the 4th century BCE, though the game may have been played earlier.
4. The modern version of Go as we know it was standardized in Japan during the 15th century CE, though it had been played in China for centuries prior.
5. Despite its relatively simple rules, Go is an incredibly complex game, surpassing chess in the number of possible moves and strategies. Its potential combinations are greater than the number of atoms in the observable universe.
6. Players take turns placing their stones on the intersections of a grid-like board, which can be either 9×9, 13×13, or the standard 19×19 lines. The 19×19 board became standard by the 5th century CE, after reaching Korea and Japan.
7. The pieces used in Go are called stones, and players choose between black and white. The objective is to surround more territory than the opponent by strategically placing and capturing stones.
8.围棋 is often referred to by its Japanese name "Go" in the West. It is recognized for its elegance in rules yet boundless variety in gameplay.
9.围棋 is considered one of the most complex board games due to its PSPACE-hard complexity, proven by Robertson and Munro in 1978.
10. By mid-2008, more than 40 million people worldwide were playing Go, with the majority in East Asia.
11. As of July 2015, the International Go Federation had 75 member countries and 5 associate members.
12. The origin of Go is traced back to ancient China, where it was one of the oldest games played. It was said to have been invented by the ancient Chinese leader Yao to educate his son.
13. The first reliable record of Go appears in the Spring and Autumn Annals, and the first known Go player was Yi Qiu during the Warring States period.
14. The game evolved over time, with the board size standardizing to the current 19×19 grid during the Han Dynasty, and later spreading to Korea and Japan.
15.围棋 was not only a game but also a means for scholars to cultivate their character, being one of the Four Arts of the Scholar, along with playing the guqin, calligraphy, and painting.