
第十章 被动语态(不能靠翻译工具,谢谢!~)
一、 被动语态的结构
1. 那座白色建筑建于两年前,但它现在看起来很旧了。
The white building was built for 2 years ago,but it looks very old now.
2. 在联合国使用6种工作语言。

3. 我们知道那种自行车是苏州生产的。
4. 这种问题在你们班里经常提问吗,Ann?
二、 主动语态变为被动语态的几种情况
5. 去年农民在山上种了几千棵树。
6. 世界上说中文的人是最多的。
7. 昨天有人向一个游客问了他家乡的事。
三、 被动语态的时态
8. 这个钥匙是用来开教室门锁的。
9. 下星期将在学校礼堂举办一个关于中国历史的讲座。
10. 没有人知道800年前在没有我们现代机器的情况下这些巨石是如何被切割和搬运的。
11. 这个独自居住在岛上的人以为他永远不会被人发现了。
12. 去年以来,为教师建造了更多房子。
13. 两年后,那里可能要造一所新学校。
14. 这个药必须存放在干燥阴凉的地方。
15. 这种花必须每天浇水。
16. 这个收音机可以在两天内修好。
17. 这部词典不能带出图书馆。
18. 湖里的鱼得到很好的照料。
19. 在我国,老人和儿童必须得到良好照顾。
1. --- 多漂亮的花园!
--- 它每天都得到清洁。
2. --- 你的书包装满了什么,Paul? ---衣服和一些学校用品。
3. 下星期这个工厂将生产500辆小汽车。
4. --- 你的衣服看上去很漂亮。这是棉制的吗?是的,是上海生产的。
5. 这种药必须保持阴凉,清洁和干燥。
6. 我的房子建于1995年。我们已经在那里居住了将近5年。
7. 这个工作也许下星期5完成。
8. 这种机器是用来切纸的。
9. 世界上书籍报纸的4分之3是用英语写作的。
10. 水稻必须在合适的时间收割。
11. 人们用邮票寄信。
12. 英语是一种有用的语言。它在世界上得到广泛应用。
13. 中国人民两千年前建造了长城。
14. 这个社团(The League)成立于1922年5月。
15. 我们要在这里挂一张画。这张地图必须拿走。
16. 在全世界必须建造更多的“绿色长城”
17. Amy病了。她必须立即被送往医院。
18. 这种花必须每天浇水,否则会死的。
19. 这座桥将在3星期内建成。
20. 这条河上的桥是3年前建成的。
21. 他的书包10分钟前被一个妇女拿走了。
22. 你离开前必须关灯。
23. 必须为学生生产几千本书。
24. 去年我们市建造了许多高层建筑。
25. 中华人民共和国成立于1949.年10月1日。
26. 许多国家已经将人造卫星发射上太空了。
27. 刚才有人听见他在空旷地唱歌。
28. 昨天晚上雪下得很大。地上覆盖着厚厚的雪。

2. 在联合国使用6种工作语言。
The United Nations uses 6 kind of languages.

3. 我们知道那种自行车是苏州生产的。
We know that bike is made in Suzhou.
4. 这种问题在你们班里经常提问吗,Ann?
Do your class often make this kind of question , Ann?

二、 主动语态变为被动语态的几种情况
5. 去年农民在山上种了几千棵树。
Last year the farmer grow a thousand of trees.
6. 世界上说中文的人是最多的。
Chinese is the most used language in this world.
7. 昨天有人向一个游客问了他家乡的事。
Yesterday someone asked that traveler about his/her hometown.
三、 被动语态的时态
8. 这个钥匙是用来开教室门锁的。
This is the key to the classroom's lock .
9. 下星期将在学校礼堂举办一个关于中国历史的讲座。
They will held a lecture class about Chinese history in auditorium next week.
10. 没有人知道800年前在没有我们现代机器的情况下这些巨石是如何被切割和搬运的。
Nobody know how did they carve and move that huge rock without any modern equipment 800 years ago.
11. 这个独自居住在岛上的人以为他永远不会被人发现了。
This man who lives in a no man land thinks that nobody could find him.
12. 去年以来,为教师建造了更多房子。
We have been making a new room for the teachers since last year.

13. 两年后,那里可能要造一所新学校。
There might be a new school there in 2 years.
14. 这个药必须存放在干燥阴凉的地方。
This medicine must be kept in dry and cool place.
15. 这种花必须每天浇水。
This kind of flower must be watered everyday.
16. 这个收音机可以在两天内修好。
This radio could be fixed in 2 days.
17. 这部词典不能带出图书馆。
You can't take this dictionary out of this library.
18. 湖里的鱼得到很好的照料。
The fishes in the lake are being treated very nicely.

19. 在我国,老人和儿童必须得到良好照顾。
In my country, children and elder must be treated well.
1. --- 多漂亮的花园!
What a beautiful garden!
--- 它每天都得到清洁。
It's cleaned every single day.
2. --- 你的书包装满了什么,Paul? ---衣服和一些学校用品。
What's in your bag , Paul ? - Shirts and some stationary.

3. 下星期这个工厂将生产500辆小汽车。
This factory will produce 500 small cars next week.
4. --- 你的衣服看上去很漂亮。这是棉制的吗?是的,是上海生产的。
Your dress looks great , is it made from cotton ? yes , it's made in shang hai.
5. 这种药必须保持阴凉,清洁和干燥。
This medicine must be kept in cool , clean and dry condition.

6. 我的房子建于1995年。我们已经在那里居住了将近5年。
My apartment was built in 1995, we have been living there for 5 years.

7. 这个工作也许下星期5完成。
This task might be finished in this friday
8. 这种机器是用来切纸的。
This gadget is used to cut a paper.
9. 世界上书籍报纸的4分之3是用英语写作的。
Three fourth of this world newspaper is using english as its main language.
10. 水稻必须在合适的时间收割。
Paddy rice must be harvested in the right time.

11. 人们用邮票寄信。
People uses a stamp to send a letter.
12. 英语是一种有用的语言。它在世界上得到广泛应用。
English is very useful , it used generally all over the world.

13. 中国人民两千年前建造了长城。
The Chinese built this great wall 2000 years ago.

14. 这个社团(The League)成立于1922年5月。
The league was established in May of 1922.
15. 我们要在这里挂一张画。这张地图必须拿走。
We want to hang a new painting here. so this painting must be moved.

16. 在全世界必须建造更多的“绿色长城”
We have to build a " Green City " all over the world.

17. Amy病了。她必须立即被送往医院。
Amy has fallen ill , she must be taken to hospital immediately.

18. 这种花必须每天浇水,否则会死的。
This flower must be watered everyday , otherwise it could be wither.
19. 这座桥将在3星期内建成。
This construction of this bridge will be finished in 3 weeks.

20. 这条河上的桥是3年前建成的。
The bridge above this river was built 3 years ago.
21. 他的书包10分钟前被一个妇女拿走了。
A lady took his bag 10 minutes ago.
22. 你离开前必须关灯。
You have to turn of the light before you leave.
23. 必须为学生生产几千本书。
We must produce thousands of book for the students.

24. 去年我们市建造了许多高层建筑。
Our city construct a lot of skycraper last year.
25. 中华人民共和国成立于1949.年10月1日。
China was independent from 1st of October 1949.

26. 许多国家已经将人造卫星发射上太空了.
A lot of countries has already sent their satellite to the outer space.
27. 刚才有人听见他在空旷地唱歌。
Somebody heard him singing in open field justnow.
28. 昨天晚上雪下得很大。地上覆盖着厚厚的雪。
There was a heavy snow last night ,The ground is covered with a thick snow.

第1个回答  2009-02-10

2. 在联合国使用6种工作语言。
The United Nations uses 6 kind of languages.

3. 我们知道那种自行车是苏州生产的。
We know that bike is made in Suzhou.
4. 这种问题在你们班里经常提问吗,Ann?
Do your class often make this kind of question , Ann?

二、 主动语态变为被动语态的几种情况
5. 去年农民在山上种了几千棵树。
Last year the farmer grow a thousand of trees.
6. 世界上说中文的人是最多的。
Chinese is the most used language in this world.
7. 昨天有人向一个游客问了他家乡的事。
Yesterday someone asked that traveler about his/her hometown.
三、 被动语态的时态
8. 这个钥匙是用来开教室门锁的。
This is the key to the classroom's lock .
9. 下星期将在学校礼堂举办一个关于中国历史的讲座。
They will held a lecture class about Chinese history in auditorium next week.
10. 没有人知道800年前在没有我们现代机器的情况下这些巨石是如何被切割和搬运的。
Nobody know how did they carve and move that huge rock without any modern equipment 800 years ago.
11. 这个独自居住在岛上的人以为他永远不会被人发现了。
This man who lives in a no man land thinks that nobody could find him.
12. 去年以来,为教师建造了更多房子。
We have been making a new room for the teachers since last year.

13. 两年后,那里可能要造一所新学校。
There might be a new school there in 2 years.
14. 这个药必须存放在干燥阴凉的地方。
This medicine must be kept in dry and cool place.
15. 这种花必须每天浇水。
This kind of flower must be watered everyday.
16. 这个收音机可以在两天内修好。
This radio could be fixed in 2 days.
17. 这部词典不能带出图书馆。
You can't take this dictionary out of this library.
18. 湖里的鱼得到很好的照料。
The fishes in the lake are being treated very nicely.

19. 在我国,老人和儿童必须得到良好照顾。
In my country, children and elder must be treated well.
1. --- 多漂亮的花园!
What a beautiful garden!
--- 它每天都得到清洁。
It's cleaned every single day.
2. --- 你的书包装满了什么,Paul? ---衣服和一些学校用品。
What's in your bag , Paul ? - Shirts and some stationary.

3. 下星期这个工厂将生产500辆小汽车。
This factory will produce 500 small cars next week.
4. --- 你的衣服看上去很漂亮。这是棉制的吗?是的,是上海生产的。
Your dress looks great , is it made from cotton ? yes , it's made in shang hai.
5. 这种药必须保持阴凉,清洁和干燥。
This medicine must be kept in cool , clean and dry condition.

6. 我的房子建于1995年。我们已经在那里居住了将近5年。
My apartment was built in 1995, we have been living there for 5 years.

7. 这个工作也许下星期5完成。
This task might be finished in this friday
8. 这种机器是用来切纸的。
This gadget is used to cut a paper.
9. 世界上书籍报纸的4分之3是用英语写作的。
Three fourth of this world newspaper is using english as its main language.
10. 水稻必须在合适的时间收割。
Paddy rice must be harvested in the right time.

11. 人们用邮票寄信。
People uses a stamp to send a letter.
12. 英语是一种有用的语言。它在世界上得到广泛应用。
English is very useful , it used generally all over the world.

13. 中国人民两千年前建造了长城。
The Chinese built this great wall 2000 years ago.

14. 这个社团(The League)成立于1922年5月。
The league was established in May of 1922.
15. 我们要在这里挂一张画。这张地图必须拿走。
We want to hang a new painting here. so this painting must be moved.

16. 在全世界必须建造更多的“绿色长城”
We have to build a " Green City " all over the world.

17. Amy病了。她必须立即被送往医院。
Amy has fallen ill , she must be taken to hospital immediately.

18. 这种花必须每天浇水,否则会死的。
This flower must be watered everyday , otherwise it could be wither.
19. 这座桥将在3星期内建成。
This construction of this bridge will be finished in 3 weeks.

20. 这条河上的桥是3年前建成的。
The bridge above this river was built 3 years ago.
21. 他的书包10分钟前被一个妇女拿走了。
A lady took his bag 10 minutes ago.
22. 你离开前必须关灯。
You have to turn of the light before you leave.
23. 必须为学生生产几千本书。
We must produce thousands of book for the students.

24. 去年我们市建造了许多高层建筑。
Our city construct a lot of skycraper last year.
25. 中华人民共和国成立于1949.年10月1日。
China was independent from 1st of October 1949.

26. 许多国家已经将人造卫星发射上太空了.
A lot of countries has already sent their satellite to the outer space.
27. 刚才有人听见他在空旷地唱歌。
Somebody heard him singing in open field justnow.
28. 昨天晚上雪下得很大。地上覆盖着厚厚的雪。
There was a heavy snow last night ,The ground is covered with a thick snow.

第2个回答  2009-02-07
1. Little white building was built in two years ago, but it now looks very old.
The white building was built for 2 years ago, but it looks very old now.
2. In the use of six kinds of the United Nations working languages.

3. We know the kind of bike is the production of Xuzhou.
4. This problem is in your class always question you, Ann?
Second, the active voice into passive voice in several situations
5. Last year, farmers in the mountains planted thousands of trees.
6. The world that the Chinese are the largest.
7. Yesterday I was a visitor to ask his hometown thing.
Third, Passive Voice Tenses
8. The key is used to open the classroom door.
9. Next week in the school hall to organize a lecture on Chinese history.
10. No one knows 800 years ago in the absence of our modern machines these circumstances is how Stonehenge was cutting and handling.
11. This alone living in the island's people thought that he would never be found.
12. Since last year, for teachers to build more houses.
Fourth, contain modal verbs of the passive voice
13. Two years later, there may have to build a new school.
14. This medicine must be stored in a cool dry place.
15. This flower must be watered every day.
16. The radio can be repaired in two days.
Fifth, the passive voice verb phrase
17. This dictionary should not bring out the library.
18. Lake fish are in good care.
19. In our country, the elderly and care for children must be good.
1. --- More beautiful garden!
--- Clean it every day.
2. --- Your bags filled with what, Paul? --- Clothes and some school supplies.
3. Next week, this plant will produce 500 cars.
4. --- Your clothes looked very beautiful. This is the cotton of it? Yes, the Shanghai production.
5. This medicine must be kept cool, clean and dry.
6. My house was built in 1995. We have lived there for nearly 5 years.
7. This work may be completed next week 5.
8. This machine is used Cutting's.
9. The world's books three quarters of newspapers in English writing.
10. Rice must be harvested at the right time.
11. It Yourself with stamps.
12. English is a useful language. It in the world been widely used.
13. The people of China two thousand years ago to build the great wall.
14. The Societies (The League) was founded in May 1922.
15. We have to hang a painting here. This map must be taken away.
16. In the world must be to build more "green Great Wall"
17. Amy ill. She must immediately was taken to hospital.
18. This flower must be watered every day, otherwise they will die.
19. The bridge will be completed within three weeks.
20. The river on the bridge was built 3 years ago.
21. His bags 10 minutes ago by a woman away.
22.'s Lights are turned off before you leave.
23. Must be the production of thousands of students book.
24. Last year we built a number of City high-rise building.
25. People's Republic of China was founded in 1949. October 1 years.
26. Many countries have launched satellites into space has been.
27. Just now someone heard him singing in the open to.
28. Last night a very big snow. The ground covered with thick snow.
第3个回答  2009-02-07
1. Little white building was built in two years ago, but it now looks very old.
The white building was built for 2 years ago, but it looks very old now.
2. In the use of six kinds of the United Nations working languages.

3. We know the kind of bike is the production of Xuzhou.
4. This problem is in your class always question you, Ann?
Second, the active voice into passive voice in several situations
5. Last year, farmers in the mountains planted thousands of trees.
6. The world that the Chinese are the largest.
7. Yesterday I was a visitor to ask his hometown thing.
Third, Passive Voice Tenses
8. The key is used to open the classroom door.
9. Next week in the school hall to organize a lecture on Chinese history.
10. No one knows 800 years ago in the absence of our modern machines these circumstances is how Stonehenge was cutting and handling.
11. This alone living in the island's people thought that he would never be found.
12. Since last year, for teachers to build more houses.
Fourth, contain modal verbs of the passive voice
13. Two years later, there may have to build a new school.
14. This medicine must be stored in a cool dry place.
15. This flower must be watered every day.
16. The radio can be repaired in two days.
Fifth, the passive voice verb phrase
17. This dictionary should not bring out the library.
18. Lake fish are in good care.
19. In our country, the elderly and care for children must be good.
1. --- More beautiful garden!
--- Clean it every day.
2. --- Your bags filled with what, Paul? --- Clothes and some school supplies.
3. Next week, this plant will produce 500 cars.
4. --- Your clothes looked very beautiful. This is the cotton of it? Yes, the Shanghai production.
5. This medicine must be kept cool, clean and dry.
6. My house was built in 1995. We have lived there for nearly 5 years.
7. This work may be completed next week 5.
8. This machine is used Cutting's.
9. The world's books three quarters of newspapers in English writing.
10. Rice must be harvested at the right time.
11. It Yourself with stamps.
12. English is a useful language. It in the world been widely used.
13. The people of China two thousand years ago to build the great wall.
14. The Societies (The League) was founded in May 1922.
15. We have to hang a painting here. This map must be taken away.
16. In the world must be to build more "green Great Wall"
17. Amy ill. She must immediately was taken to hospital.
18. This flower must be watered every day, otherwise they will die.
19. The bridge will be completed within three weeks.
20. The river on the bridge was built 3 years ago.
21. His bags 10 minutes ago by a woman away.
22.'s Lights are turned off before you leave.
23. Must be the production of thousands of students book.
24. Last year we built a number of City high-rise building.
25. People's Republic of China was founded in 1949. October 1 years.
26. Many countries have launched satellites into space has been.
27. Just now someone heard him singing in the open to.
28. Last night a very big snow. The ground covered with thick snow.啊
第4个回答  2009-02-08
First, the structure of the passive voice
1. Little white building was built in two years ago, but it now looks very old.
The white building was built for 2 years ago, but it looks very old now.
2. In the use of six kinds of the United Nations working languages.

3. We know the kind of bike is the production of Xuzhou.
4. This problem is in your class always question you, Ann?
Second, the active voice into passive voice in several situations
5. Last year, farmers in the mountains planted thousands of trees.
6. The world that the Chinese are the largest.
7. Yesterday I was a visitor to ask his hometown thing.
Three, Passive Voice Tenses
8. The key is used to open the classroom door.
9. Next week in the school hall to organize a lecture on Chinese history.
10. No one knows 800 years ago in the absence of our modern machines these circumstances is how Stonehenge was cutting and handling.
11. This alone living in the island's people thought that he would never be found.
12. Since last year, for teachers to build more houses.
Fourth, contain modal verbs of the passive voice
13. Two years later, there may have to build a new school.
14. This medicine must be stored in a cool dry place.
15. This flower must be watered every day.
16. The radio can be repaired in two days.
Fifth, the passive voice verb phrase
17. This dictionary should not bring out the library.
18. Lake fish are in good care.
19. In our country, the elderly and care for children must be good.
1. --- More beautiful garden!
--- Clean it every day.
2. --- Your bags filled with what, Paul? --- Clothes and some school supplies.
3. Next week, this plant will produce 500 cars.
4. --- Your clothes looked very beautiful. This is the cotton of it? Yes, the Shanghai production.
5. This medicine must be kept cool, clean and dry.
6. My house was built in 1995. We have lived there for nearly 5 years.
7. This work may be completed next week 5.
8. This machine is used Cutting's.
9. The world's books three quarters of newspapers in English writing.
10. Rice must be harvested at the right time.
11. It Yourself with stamps.
12. English is a useful language. It in the world been widely used.
13. The people of China two thousand years ago to build the great wall.
14. The Societies (The League) was founded in May 1922.
15. We have to hang a painting here. This map must be taken away.
16. In the world must be to build more "green Great Wall"
17. Amy ill. She must immediately was taken to hospital.
18. This flower must be watered every day, otherwise they will die of.
19. The bridge will be completed within three weeks.
20. The river on the bridge was built 3 years ago.
21. His bags 10 minutes ago by a woman away.
22.'s Lights are turned off before you leave.
23. Must be the production of thousands of students book.
24. Last year we built a number of City high-rise building.
25. People's Republic of China was founded in 1949. October 1 years.
26. Many countries have launched satellites into space has been.
27. Just now someone heard him singing in the open land.
28. Last night a very big snow. The ground covered with thick snow.