
There be 的句型用法。

3点。 谢谢诶!~~~

一、There be 结构的非谓语形式

There to be 和there being 是there be 结构的非谓语形式,前者是不定式形式,后者是ing 形式。这两种结构可以在句中充当不同成分,要注意理解和区分。

1. 作主语

It is impossible for there to be an escape from the building. 要从那幢楼里逃生是不可能的。

It would be surprising for there not to be any objections. 没有任何异议倒是令人感到意外的。

2. 作宾语

She denied there being any misunderstanding between them. (动词宾语) 她否认他们之间存在误会。

He was disappointed at there being no money left. (介词宾语) 钱已分文不剩了,他很失望。

3. 作状语

There being形式可作为独立主格结构,在句中充当状语。

There being nothing else to do, they went home. 因为无事可做,他们回家了。

There being no other choice, we had to give up. 因为别无选择,我们只好放弃。

二、There + 情态动词/ 助动词 + be


There must be lots of people waiting. 一定有许多人在等着。

There used to be an old pine tree here. 这儿过去曾有一棵老松树。

三、There + 某些半助动词 + be(很少使用完成时态),如be going to, be certain to, be sure to, be likely to, be bound to, have to be等。

There is going to be a heavy snow. 要下大雪了。

There’s likely to be an investigation. 可能会有一次调查。

There has to be some reason. (这事)一定有原因。

四、There is no v.ing 结构

这种结构表示“不可能……”,相当于“It is impossible + 不定式”结构。

There is no accounting for habits. 习惯是无法说清楚的。

There is no denying the fact that she is right. 不可否认,她的话是正确的。

五、There is no... in v.ing结构

这一结构等同于“It is no good + v.ing”结构,意为“……是没有意义的/无用的”。

There is no point in making the same suggestions. 提相同的建议是没有意义的。

There is no use in beating about the bush. 拐弯抹角是没用的。

六、There + live, exist, appear, happen, seem, remain, lie 等表存在、发生等意义的不及物动词,表示状态。


There remains nothing more to be done. 再没什么可做的了。

There once lived a poor farmer who had four sons. 从前有一个穷苦的农夫,他有四个儿子。

七、There + arise, enter, follow, run, fly, occur, flash, pass, emerge等不及物动词,表示动作。


Suddenly there entered a woman in red. 突然走进来一个穿红衣服的妇女。

There arose the question of how to get enough money. 问题出现了,不知道怎样来筹集足够的资金。

八、There be + p.p. (过去分词) 结构


There were found all kinds of birds in the national park. (=All kinds of birds were found in the national park.) 国家公园里发现了各种各样的鸟。

There are displayed summer clothes in the shop windows. (= Summer clothes are displayed in the shop windows.) 夏季服装正在商店橱窗里展出。
第1个回答  2009-02-27
"There be" 后面可跟一个名词或动名词,请看下面例句:

1. There is a shop at the corner, where you can buy fruits.


2. There is no knowing what may happen tomorrow.


同时,我们也可以根据表达的需要,在There与 be之间用上恰当的情态动词can,may,must,should,will等,构成:There will /may/must/can,etc. be... 请看:

1. There will be another bridge across the Yellow River with the quick development of the economy of China.


2. There must be some rules for the changes.


3. There may be some errors, but the composition, as a whole, is beyond praise.


4. There should be some steps to prevent such accidents.


除此之外,如果您是一位注重课外阅读者,相信也经常可以见到 "There to be" 和 "There being"结构。 例如:

1. It was unusual for there to be so few flowers in the park.


2. There being no bus, we had to take a taxi.


接下来,我们一起探讨 "There to be"和"There being"的用法及意义:

I. "There to be"的用法及意义:

A. "There to be" 可以用作一个动词的宾语,我们通常称之为复合宾语,其意义常表示对将来的一种意愿或希望,但目前还没"存在"。例如:

1. Would you like there to be a hospital near your home



2. We teachers don't want there to be any students staying in the classroom after school.



3. She doesn't hope there to be any quarrel between me and her.


B. "There to be"也可以用在句型 "It be + adj. for..."中。例如:

1. It is impossible for there to be any more chance.


2. It was too late for there to be any open shops.


3. It is important for there to be a free school for the poor children.


II. "There being"的用法及意义:

A. "There being"可以用作一个介词的复合宾语,跟 "There to be"不同的是:"There to be"往往表示目前"没有存在"的事物;而"There being"则通常表示"已经存在"的事情。请看:

1. The Chinese are proud of there being the Great Wall in North China.


2. No one told him about there being a meeting that afternoon.


3. You were wrong about there being some misunderstandings between us.


B. "There being"还可以用作副词,在语法上叫"独立结构"。如:

1. There being nothing to do, we went home separately.

由于没有什么事要做, 我们就各自回家了。

2. There being no teacher in the classroom, the pupils began to talk freely.


总之,掌握"There be"的用法及意义对我们教师来说极为重要,同时,我们也要关注 "There to be" 和 "There being"。知己知彼,由此及彼,才能使自身的英语炉火纯青!
第2个回答  2009-02-27
There be 的句型用法:
there be 句型后面跟的是没有生命的东西,比如说:There is some water in the grass.它后面不仅可以+可数名词也可以+不可数名词,比如说:There are a few shops in the sreet. There be 句型不仅用于一般文章,还起到了美化语言的作用哦。