我昨天买了一辆自行车 英语翻译 7个 急

我昨天买了一辆自行车。 他去年去了北京 一小时之前我在游泳池里游泳。 两周之前我看了一部电影。 三分钟之前他们和我打了招呼。 它一天之前喝了一瓶牛奶。 两年前我们遇见了他。

Yesterday, I bought a bike. Last year, he went to Beijing One hour before I swim in the pool. Two weeks ago I watched a movie. 3 minutes ago and I prodded them. It is to drink a bottle of milk a day ago. Two years ago we met him.
第1个回答  2014-06-24
i bought a bike yesterday he went to beijing last year i was swimming in the swimming pool a hour ago i saw a movie two weeks ago they said hello to us three minutes ago it drank a glass of milk a day ago we met him tow years ago.