

The Ants and the Picnic
Sam: Good morning, Mum. (早上好,妈妈。)
Amy: Good morning, Dad. (早上好,爸爸。)
Mr Smart: Good morning,children. (早上好,孩子们。)
Mrs Smart: Look! It’s warm and sunny today. (看!今天天气温暖,阳光明媚。)
Amy: Then let’s have a picnic. (让我们野餐去吧。)
Sam: Great idea! (真实个好主意。)

Tom: What’s in the picnic basket? (篮子里面有什么?)
Mrs Smart: This is a cake, these are bananas. (这是蛋糕,这些是香蕉。)
Amy: And these are sandwiches. (这些是三明治。)
Sam: What’s that? (那是什么?)
Mrs Smart: This is juice. (这是果汁。)

Zak: What are you doing, Mak? (你在干什么,Mak?)
Mak: I’m looking at a car, Zak. (我在看一辆车,Zak。)
Jo: Where is it going? (它去哪儿?)
Mak: It’s going into the park. (它开进了公园。)
Ho: What are they doing now? (他们现在在干什么?)
Mak: Wow! They are having a picnic. (哇!他们在野餐。)
Together: Whoopee! Let’s go! (我们走吧!)

Sam and Amy: Here we are! (我们来了!)
Mr Smart: Put the basket on the table, please. (请把篮子放在桌子上。)
Sam: I’m hungry. (我饿了。)
Tom: I’m hungry,too. (我也饿了。)
Mrs Smart: It’s only 10 o’clock. We’ll eat at half past 11. (刚10:00,我们在11:30吃饭。)
Mr Smart: Time for a game! (做个游戏吧!)
Tom: Let’s play blind man’s buff. (咱们玩 “瞎子摸人”吧!)
Sam and Amy: Okay! (好吧!)
Amy: You be “it”. (你来捉。)
Sam: Here’s your blindfold. (你的蒙眼布。)
Amy: Can you see me? (你能看见我吗?)
Tom: No, I can’t. (我不能。)
Sam: Now, turn around. One, two, three, four, five. (现在转圈。1、2、3、4、5。)
Tom: Help! I’m dizzy. Where are you? (救命啊!我晕了。你们在哪?)
Mrs Smart: Here I am! (我在这儿!)
Tom: Ha! Got you! Who is it? Oh, it’s Amy. (哈!抓住了。是谁?噢,是Amy。)
Sam: Ha, ha, Amy. Now you’re “it”. (哈!Amy。现在你来捉。)

Zak: Here we are. (我们来了!)
Mak: What’s in the basket? (篮子里面有什么?)
Jo: Cake, sandwiches, and bananas. (蛋糕、三明治和香蕉。)
Together: We like cakes. We like sandwiches. We like bananas. (我们喜欢蛋糕,我们喜欢三明治,我们喜欢香蕉。)

Sam: What time is it? I’m hungry. (几点了?我饿了。)
Mr Smart: It’s 11:30. Time for lunch. (11:30了,该吃午饭了。)
Mrs Smart: Where’s the basket? (篮子在哪儿?)
Tom: Here it is. (在这儿。)
Amy: Where’s the cake? (蛋糕在哪儿?)
Sam: Where are the sandwiches? (三明治在哪儿?)
Mr and Mrs Smart: Oh no! Look! (噢,不!看!)
Tom: Here’s a bananas. I like bananas. (这儿有一支香蕉。我爱吃香蕉。)
第1个回答  2005-11-04
The Ants and the Picnic
Sam: Good morning, Mum. (早上好,妈妈。)
Amy: Good morning, Dad. (早上好,爸爸。)
Mr Smart: Good morning,children. (早上好,孩子们。)
Mrs Smart: Look! It’s warm and sunny today. (看!今天天气温暖,阳光明媚。)
Amy: Then let’s have a picnic. (让我们野餐去吧。)
Sam: Great idea! (真实个好主意。)

Tom: What’s in the picnic basket? (篮子里面有什么?)
Mrs Smart: This is a cake, these are bananas. (这是蛋糕,这些是香蕉。)
Amy: And these are sandwiches. (这些是三明治。)
Sam: What’s that? (那是什么?)
Mrs Smart: This is juice. (这是果汁。)

Zak: What are you doing, Mak? (你在干什么,Mak?)
Mak: I’m looking at a car, Zak. (我在看一辆车,Zak。)
Jo: Where is it going? (它去哪儿?)
Mak: It’s going into the park. (它开进了公园。)
Ho: What are they doing now? (他们现在在干什么?)
Mak: Wow! They are having a picnic. (哇!他们在野餐。)
Together: Whoopee! Let’s go! (我们走吧!)

Sam and Amy: Here we are! (我们来了!)
Mr Smart: Put the basket on the table, please. (请把篮子放在桌子上。)
Sam: I’m hungry. (我饿了。)
Tom: I’m hungry,too. (我也饿了。)
Mrs Smart: It’s only 10 o’clock. We’ll eat at half past 11. (刚10:00,我们在11:30吃饭。)
Mr Smart: Time for a game! (做个游戏吧!)
Tom: Let’s play blind man’s buff. (咱们玩 “瞎子摸人”吧!)
Sam and Amy: Okay! (好吧!)
Amy: You be “it”. (你来捉。)
Sam: Here’s your blindfold. (你的蒙眼布。)
Amy: Can you see me? (你能看见我吗?)
Tom: No, I can’t. (我不能。)
Sam: Now, turn around. One, two, three, four, five. (现在转圈。1、2、3、4、5。)
Tom: Help! I’m dizzy. Where are you? (救命啊!我晕了。你们在哪?)
Mrs Smart: Here I am! (我在这儿!)
Tom: Ha! Got you! Who is it? Oh, it’s Amy. (哈!抓住了。是谁?噢,是Amy。)
Sam: Ha, ha, Amy. Now you’re “it”. (哈!Amy。现在你来捉。)

Zak: Here we are. (我们来了!)
Mak: What’s in the basket? (篮子里面有什么?)
Jo: Cake, sandwiches, and bananas. (蛋糕、三明治和香蕉。)
Together: We like cakes. We like sandwiches. We like bananas. (我们喜欢蛋糕,我们喜欢三明治,我们喜欢香蕉。)

Sam: What time is it? I’m hungry. (几点了?我饿了。)
Mr Smart: It’s 11:30. Time for lunch. (11:30了,该吃午饭了。)
Mrs Smart: Where’s the basket? (篮子在哪儿?)
Tom: Here it is. (在这儿。)
Amy: Where’s the cake? (蛋糕在哪儿?)
Sam: Where are the sandwiches? (三明治在哪儿?)
Mr and Mrs Smart: Oh no! Look! (噢,不!看!)
Tom: Here’s a bananas. I like bananas. (这儿有一支香蕉。我爱吃香蕉。)


第2个回答  2005-11-05
第3个回答  2005-11-04