a majority of与the majority of的区别


"a majority of"与"the majority of"是两个常用的短语,用以表示大多数的意思。虽然在含义上相似,但它们在释义区别、用法区别、使用环境区别、影响范围区别和形象区别上存在一些区别。

1. 释义区别:

- "a majority of"意味着有一部分(但不一定是绝大部分)。

- "the majority of"指的是绝大部分或大多数。


- A majority of the students prefer tea over coffee. (大部分学生喜欢茶而不是咖啡)

- The majority of the population is against the new law. (大多数人口反对这项新法律)

2. 用法区别:

- "a majority of"通常后面接复数名词。

- "the majority of"后面也接复数名词,但更常见的是接定冠词+单数名词或不定冠词+复数名词。


- A majority of the books in the library are novels. (图书馆里的大部分书是小说)

- The majority of the population believes in climate change. (大多数人口相信气候变化)

3. 使用环境区别:

- "a majority of"通常用于一般陈述中,没有特定的背景限制。

- "the majority of"常常用于特定上下文,并且可能有更强烈的参考对象。


- A majority of people enjoy traveling. (大多数人喜欢旅行)

- The majority of voters supported the incumbent candidate. (大多数选民支持现任候选人)

4. 影响范围区别:

- "a majority of"可能指涉某个群体、组织或地区内的多数人。

- "the majority of"通常指整体范围内的多数人。


- A majority of the employees voted in favor of the new policy. (大部分员工投票支持新政策)

- The majority of the world's population lives in urban areas. (世界大多数人口居住在城市地区)

5. 形象区别:

- "a majority of"可以表示一个相对模糊的群体,不强调具体身份。

- "the majority of"则更强调特定集体的集体意见或行动。


- A majority of the respondents disagreed with the survey findings. (大多数受访者不同意调查结果)

- The majority of the board members voted in favor of the proposal. (董事会的大部分成员支持该提案)

第1个回答  2021-07-22

the majority of的意思是“...的大部分/大多数”,相当于most of...; a majority of 的意思是:大部分/大多数的,相当于most。

a majority of与the majority of的区别举例

(1)the majority of+限定词(the/one' s)+名词

The majority of my patients come to me from out of town.


The vast majority of our cheses are made of milk.


(2)a majority of+数词(百分数/基数词)

A majorityvote of 75% is required from shareholders for the plan to go ahead.


Members of parliament approved the move by a majority of ninety-nine.


第2个回答  2023-07-21

首先我们来看下a majority of、the majority of的大致意思

a majority of:词性为短语,a majority of是表示“大多数”的短语,其中a是不定冠词,表示泛指。表示具体的数量时,通常与of短语搭配使用。

the majority of:词性为短语,the majority of是表示“大多数”的短语,其中the是定冠词,表示特指。表示具体的数量时,通常与of短语搭配使用。

通过下面的表格我们了解下a majority of、the majority of的含义、发音和用法


🚀🚀🚀a majority of:

A majority of people like to eat chocolate.


A majority of students participated in the sports day.


A majority of people hold a neutral position on this issue.


❗❗❗注意事项:a majority of后接名词复数形式。

🚀🚀🚀the majority of:

The majority of students in our class like football.


The majority of people agree with this decision.


The majority of investors support this project.


❗❗❗注意事项:the majority of后接名词复数形式。

第3个回答  2023-07-23

"a majority of" 表示不特定的多数,强调数量多于其他人或事物,常用于一般性陈述;而 "the majority of" 表示特定群体或集体中的大多数,强调在特定范围内数量占主导地位,常用于特定上下文中。在具体语境中,根据所涉及的范围和语义要求,可能会选择使用其中之一。

大家可以先看下面的表格了解一下 a majority of与the majority of 吧:

a majority of与the majority of的区别:

1. 区别:不特定多数 vs. 特定群体中的多数

- "a majority of" 表示不特定的多数,强调数量多于其他人或事物,常用于一般性陈述。

- "the majority of" 表示特定群体或集体中的大多数,强调在特定范围内数量占主导地位。


a. A majority of people enjoy traveling.(大多数人喜欢旅行。)

("a majority of" 表示不特定的多数,没有指定具体的人群。)

b. The majority of the students in this class passed the exam.(这个班级里大多数学生通过了考试。)

("the majority of" 表示特定群体,即这个班级的学生。)

2. 区别:泛指 vs. 特指

- "a majority of" 泛指某群体中的大多数人或事物,没有具体指向。

- "the majority of" 特指某个已知的群体中的大多数人或事物。


a. A majority of the apples in the basket are ripe.(篮子里大多数的苹果都是熟的。)

("a majority of" 泛指篮子中的大多数苹果,没有特定指向。)

b. The majority of the students in our class are from China.(我们班大多数学生来自中国。)

("the majority of" 特指我们班的学生,已知是我们班的学生。)

3. 区别:普遍情况 vs. 特定情况

- "a majority of" 用于描述一般性情况下的多数情况,强调普遍性。

- "the majority of" 用于描述特定上下文中的多数情况,强调特定性。


a. A majority of people use smartphones nowadays.(现在大多数人使用智能手机。)

("a majority of" 描述普遍情况下人们使用智能手机的情况。)

b. The majority of the votes went to the incumbent candidate.(大多数选票投给了现任候选人。)

("the majority of" 描述特定上下文中选票分配情况,强调选举中的结果。)

4. 区别:广泛适用 vs. 有限范围

- "a majority of" 可以适用于不同情况下的多数情况,范围广泛。

- "the majority of" 更多地用于特定范围内的多数情况,范围较为有限。


a. A majority of people prefer watching movies at home.(大多数人喜欢在家里看电影。)

("a majority of" 可适用于全体人口,表示普遍偏好。)

b. The majority of employees in this company have a college degree.(这家公司的大多数员工拥有大学学位。)

("the majority of" 强调在特定公司内的员工,范围有限。)

第4个回答  2019-12-15

a majority of和the majority of都可以表示大多数,区别只是在于不定冠词和定冠词,也就是说,a majority of表示泛指的大多数,the majority of表示特指的大多数。





an honest girl

an hour

an heir

an honor

a useless tool

a university

a one-sided decision

a once chairman

a European country

a ewe

an A student

an H bomb

a VIP card

a BBC official

Is it with an o or is it with a u?


    Rome was not built in a day.
    I need a dozen eggs.
    I have learned English for a score years.

    A triangle has three angles.
    A skunk is a smelly animal.
    A knife is a tool with which you cut things.
    A family is a group of people related by blood or marriage.

    A Buick is a car with dual exhaust pipes.
    His wife is a Stewart.
    A Mr. Robertson wanted to see you.
    Never would he think of such a prosperous New York.
    He came back on a Christmas.

    How much a dollar is it?
    They cost only one dollar a dozen.
    How much is this cloth a yard?
    He drove at forty miles an hour.

1. 表示独一无二的事物的名词前。

The earth spins around the sun.
The moon turns around the earth.

The sun rises in the east.

The bank is on the right.

2. 表示特指的人或物的名词前。
Do you remember to lock the door?

Do you have the key to the trunk?

The wine I drank at the bar was very good.
I have 21 customers, the majority of whom can afford it.

3. 形容词最高级,副词最高级或序数词、only、very前。

He is the first man to come.

He is much the best boy of all.

Is this the very first aerobics class that you attended?

4. 用在形容词前,表示一类人或事物。
The wounded numbered ten.
The rich aren't always happy.

5. 乐器名称前面。
You play the violin with a bow.

You play the flute on the lips.

6. 表示单位的名词前。
We were hired by the hour.
Meat is sold by the pound.
Coal is sold by the ton.

Milk is sold by the pint.

7. 定冠词可以用以表示对人体部位的特指,如:

He shook her roughly by the shoulder.
He hit the girl on the nose.
The man was shot through the heart.

Richard hit Robert in the face.
She kissed her dad on the cheek.