
4.看到了西藏激动人心的景点,旅游者们激动得无话可说。(伴随状语scenic spots)
5.你在考试中越仔细,你出的错误就越少。(the more...the more)

1、It seems that he has already known the result of the experiment.

2、What makes me astonished is not his success but his diligence.

3、Out of curiosity,he struggled into the crowd to see what happened.

4、Seeing the scenic spots of Xizang, the tourists were too excited to say anything.

5、The more careful you are in the exam, the less mistakes you'll make.
第1个回答  2009-01-19
It seemed that he has already known the result of the experiment.
What makes me surprised is not his success but his hard-working.
He went into the crowd because of his curiosity.
The visitors were to aspirated to say anything as they saw the scenic spots.
The more attentioan you pay in your exams, the more you can be right.
(或者是the less mistakes you will make.)
第2个回答  2009-01-19
He seems that he has known the test result.
What surprises me is not his success, but his diligence.
Due to curiosity, he squeezed himself into a crowed to see what had happened.
4.看到了西藏激动人心的景点,旅游者们激动得无话可说。(伴随状语scenic spots)
Seeing the exciting scenic spots in Xizang, tourists are too excited to say a word.
5.你在考试中越仔细,你出的错误就越少。(the more...the more)
The more careful in the examination, the fewer mistakes you will make.
第3个回答  2009-01-19
. He looked as if already know the test results. (seem)
2. I am not surprised about his success, but his hard work. (not. .. but)
3. Out of curiosity, he squeezed into the crowd to see what happened. (curiosity)
4. Seen in Tibet exciting attractions, tourists were speechless with excitement. (Accompanied by adverbials scenic spots)
5. You are more careful examination, you are less of an error. (the more ... the more)
第4个回答  2009-01-19
1.He seems already know the test results.
2.I am not surprised about his success, but his hard work.
3.Out of curiosity, he squeezed into the crowd to see what happened.
4.Tibet to see the exciting attractions, tourists were speechless with excitement.
5.The more carefully you do in the examination, the less of an error you will make.
第5个回答  2009-01-19
1.It seems that he has known the result of the experiment.
2.What surprised me a lot was not his success but his diligence.
3.Out of curiosity,he elbowed into the crowd to see what had happened on earth.
4.Seeing the stirring scenic spots of Tibet,the tourists were to excited to say a word.
5.The more careful you are in a test,the less mistake you will make.