



1、Pomegranate is regarded as a mascot in traditional Chinese culture.石榴在中国传统文化中被视为吉祥物。

2、The trees in my backyard are overgrown with pomegranates.我家后院的树上长满了石榴。

3、A ripe pomegranate is like a grinning child.成熟的石榴就像一个笑咧了嘴的孩子。

4、A pomegranate is a round fruit with a thick reddish skin.石榴是一种圆圆的果实外皮浓厚呈淡红色

5、The pomegranate flowers that blossom in the gardens of Tyre are redder than roses which are not so red.在泰尔的花园里盛开的石榴花,比没有那么红的玫瑰还红。

6、Mechanistic studies would help identify the active ingredients in the pomegranate and their direct mode of action.机制研究将有助于确定石榴中的活性成分及其直接作用模式。

7、You may never know whether spending a fortune on pomegranate juice or the like is worth it.你可能永远不知道花一大笔钱买石榴汁或类似的东西是否值得。

8、Red pomegranate, like red lantern.红红的石榴,像红灯笼。

9、I've drunk a cup of pomegranate juice.我已经喝了一杯石榴汁了。
