


1、Gentlemen nourish virtue by virtue, while villains nourish wealth by evil.君子以善养德,小人以恶养财。

2、The heart is good, the virtue is great; there must be patience, everything is done.心有善,德乃大;必有忍,事乃成。

3、A good dye in the heart is immortal. A hundred lights shine brightly, a thousand miles open.一善染心,万劫不朽。百灯旷照,千里通明。

4、In ancient and modern times, there is nothing but doing good to accumulate virtue.古今世家大族,无非行善积德。

5、A small good turn into a great blessing, a small evil turn into a great disaster.积小善成大福,积小恶成大祸。

6、Evil is no greater than self-indulgence, good is no greater than self-discipline.恶莫大于纵己之欲,善莫大于律己之心。

7、Forgive others with love, discipline yourself with reason, and help others with kindness.以情恕人,以理律己,以善助人。

8、After watching people do good, discussing gains and losses only increases right and wrong.观人行善之后而议得失,只增是非。

9、Good deeds are rewarded unexpectedly, and natural dreams are reassuring.行善不期获报,自然梦稳心安。

10、They praise the good with all their hearts, but abandon the evil with all their hearts.尽心为善万人扬,有心作恶众人弃。
