have advantage on和have advantage over有什么区别吗?


"Have advantage on" 和 "have advantage over" 都是表示在某方面占优势的短语,但它们在使用上有一些细微的区别。
1. **"Have advantage on":** 这个短语通常用于描述某个具体的主题、话题或领域上的优势。例如:
- "Our team has an advantage on the new technology."
2. **"Have advantage over":** 这个短语通常用于比较两个或多个对象、团体或个体之间的优势关系。例如:
- "The experienced team has an advantage over the inexperienced one."
总的来说,"have advantage on" 更侧重于讨论具体的主题或领域,而 "have advantage over" 更侧重于描述相对关系,即一个对象相对于另一个对象的优势。选择使用哪个短语取决于语境和强调的重点。
第1个回答  2023-12-11


    have advantage 是固定词组,意思是:有优势

    have advantage over是对于某方面,某类别有优势,对象不只一个

    have advantage on是对应某单一项目有优势,对象是一个

    Do island nations have advantage over other countries?

    That's true, but we have certain advantage over them. 对,不过我们比他们有一定的优势。岛国比其它国家有优势吗?

    But the sentence-final noun phrases have advantage  on the semanticexpectation, but also a certain topicality. 但句末名词性词语在语义期待值上占优势,也有一定的话题性。

    Although the methods of technical analysis have advantage on decidingthe time of buying and selling share and short-period investment, their disadvantage and  limitation can not be ignored in primary securitymarket in china which has been set up for ten years or so.诚然技术分析方法在确定股票买卖时点和短期投资上具有优越性,但是,它对于仅仅建立10余年、尚处于初级阶段的中国证券市场来说,它的负面影响和局限性同样不可忽视。

    have the advantage of [英][hæv ðə ədˈvɑ:ntidʒ ɔv][美][hæv ði ædˈvæntɪdʒ ʌv] v.胜过

    In every market they have the advantage of understanding the local culture.  在每一个市场,它们都有理解当地文化的优势。