whose,who,whom,which 到底有什么区别啊?怎么用?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

whose,who,whom,which 到底有什么区别啊?怎么用? 还有就是这道题选什么呢? His boat ,_________is Topsail , is famous . a. whose the name b.the whose name c.of whom the name d.the name of which

who是指“谁”,whose是指“谁的”,whom是who的宾格,也指“谁”,which指“哪一个”。 定语从句中的关系代词who,whose,whom,that,which。 who作为从句的主语或宾语 I know the girl who is Tom's sister. Do you know the man who I just talk with? whose充当物主代词 “谁/什么的” That is the old man whose son is our headmaster. Don't sit on the chair whose leg is broken. whom 充当宾语,放介词之后 That is the man with whom I just talk. Peter is the boy from whom I borrow a bike. which 代替事物,主语宾语都可以指代。 I want to visit the factory which I worked in three years ago.
第1个回答  2014-04-28
我选D whose 谁的 who 谁 whom 是who的宾格 which 哪一个本回答被提问者采纳