

服饰礼仪希腊人十分注意着装整洁,尤其是中老年人更讲究衣着端庄大方。在正式社交场合,男子通常穿深色西装,打领带或系领结。一般来说,希腊的中老年人平时只要外出都要打扮自己,老太太们十分喜欢穿各式颜色鲜艳的服装。仪态礼仪希腊人举止高雅,并有许多讲究。他们不使用招手和摆手的动作,认为这是蔑视人的一种行为,手离对方的脸越近则侮辱性越强。他们还认为久久地凝视别人是不怀好意的表现。当众打喷嚏和用手帕擦鼻涕更是他们十分忌讳的。 Fashion etiquette Greeks great attention to dress and clean, especially in the elderly more dressy elegant. In a formal social occasions, men usually wear a dark suit, tie or cravat. In general, the Greek in the elderly usually only go out to want to dress up yourself, old ladies like wearing all kinds of brightly colored clothing. Manners etiquette Greeks and elegant manner, and there are many exquisite. They do not use hand and hand movements, that it is a contempt for human behavior, hands off each other's face more close to insult the stronger. They also think that for a long time staring at someone 's harbour evil designs performance. When sneezing and runny nose with a handkerchief is very taboo.相见礼仪一般来说,希腊人在社交场合与客人相见时是以握手为礼,但在许多情况下他们也以拥抱,亲吻来表示自己的友好之情。希腊人在路上与他人相遇时,即便他们素不相识,但也会向对方问候,以示友好。如果道路狭窄,他们总是让对方先行,尤其是对外国人。 Meet etiquette in general, the Greeks in social occasion to meet with the guests is to shake hands, but in many cases they also to hug, kiss expresses his friendliness. The Greeks in the road and others meet, even though they be strangers to each other, but also to the other greetings, as a gesture of friendship. If the road is narrow, they always let the other person in advance, especially to foreigners.餐饮礼仪希腊人以面食为主,有时也吃米饭。他们喜欢吃牛肉羊肉,常吃蔬菜有番茄,土豆等。希腊人的晚餐开始得很晚,在雅典城里晚饭一般是在10点以后才开始。他们喜欢喝图耳其咖啡,而且嗜酒如命,不论午餐晚餐都要喝酒,常常喝得稍醉微醺。喜丧礼仪希腊人的婚礼仍保持着浓郁的传统色彩,婚礼一般在星期日举行,新郎新娘身着结婚礼服,新娘头上还蒙着一块淡红色的面纱,然后由亲友们陪着前往教堂由神父主持婚礼。希腊人的节庆活动丰富多彩,有圣诞节,新年等,新年时家家户户都要做一个大蛋糕,里面放入一枚银币,家人分吃时谁吃到银币,谁将吉祥如意。商务礼仪到希腊进行商务活动的最佳月份是当年9月至次年5月。圣诞节前后不宜前往。 Dining etiquette Greek pasta, sometimes also eat rice. They love to eat beef and mutton, often eat vegetables are tomatoes, potatoes and other. The dinner started very late, in the Athens City dinner is generally in 10 after the start. They like to drink the coffee of ear, and an alcoholic, both lunch and dinner drink, often got slightly drunk drunk. Comedy funeral etiquette Greek Wedding still maintained a strong traditional color, generally on Sunday held a wedding, the bride and the groom wearing a wedding dress, the bride's head was covered with a pale red veil, then by relatives and friends to accompany to the church by priests presided over the wedding. Greek Festival activity rich and colorful, Christmas, new year, new year each and every family will make a big cake, put a coin inside, family eats who eat silver, who will be good luck and happiness to you. Business etiquette to Greece for business activities to the best month of September of that year to May of the next year. Christmas is not to.见面时,当地工商界人士通常会为你递上一杯浓稠的咖啡,对此不宜拒绝。希腊人性格开朗,乐天好客,他们说话好激动,但并无恶意。对方如滔滔不绝地说话,你最好恭敬地倾听。旅游礼仪希腊的铁路公路客运业,市内交通业均由国家经营,由于旅游业的发展,水陆交通发达。但在雅典等大城市由于私人轿车过多,所以交通十分拥挤。现在不少当地人外出改坐摩托车。到当地的集市购买东西很便宜,这里可以讨价还价,顾客可以随便翻捡东西。坐出租车,可付小费10%,旅馆等小费已附加入帐单内,但可给服务生5%小费。主要禁忌希腊人忌讳13和星期五,认为它们是不吉祥的,他们不喜欢黑色,也不喜欢猫,尤其厌恶黑猫。到希腊人家中作客,忌过份赞赏某件东西。When they meet, local business people will usually pass you a cup of thick coffee, this should not refuse. The personality is bright, cheerful hospitable, they speak good excitement, but without malice. If the other side off the reel talk, you'd better listen respectfully. Tourism Etiquette Greek railway industry of highway passenger traffic, the traffic of the city industry are managed by the country, due to the development of tourism, the developed land and water transportation. But in Athens and other big city because of too many private cars, so traffic is very crowded. Now many of the local people go out to ride motorcycles. To the local market to buy things cheap, here for a supply of sth., customers can easily turn over to pick things up. Take a taxi, can tip 10% tip, hotels, has additional recorded form, but can give the waiter 5% tips. The main taboo taboo 13 and Friday, they are not considered lucky, they don't like black, also don't like cats, especially hate black cat. To the Greek guest, avoid excessive appreciation for something.喜丧礼仪Funeral etiquette希腊人的婚礼仍保持着浓郁的传统色彩,婚礼一般在星期日举行,新郎新娘身着结婚礼服,新娘头上还蒙着一块淡红色的面纱,然后由亲友们陪着前往教堂由神父主持婚礼。 希腊人的节庆活动丰富多彩,有圣诞节,新年等,新年时家家户户都要做一个大蛋糕,里面放入一枚银币,家人分吃时谁吃到银币,谁将吉祥如意。 Greek Wedding still maintained a strong traditional color, generally on Sunday held a wedding, the bride and the groom wearing a wedding dress, the bride's head was covered with a pale red veil, then by relatives and friends to accompany to the church by priests presided over the wedding. Greek Festival activity rich and colorful, Christmas, new year, new year each and every family will make a big cake, put a coin inside, family eats who eat silver, who will be good luck and happiness to you.仪态礼仪Manners etiquette希腊人举止高雅,并有许多讲究。他们不使用招手和摆手的动作,认为这是蔑视人的一种行为,手离对方的脸越近则侮辱性越强。 他们还认为久久地凝视别人是不怀好意的表现。当众打喷嚏和用手帕擦鼻涕更是他们十分忌讳的。 The Greeks and elegant manner, and there are many exquisite. They do not use hand and hand movements, that it is a contempt for human behavior, hands off each other's face more close to insult the stronger. They also think that for a long time staring at someone 's harbour evil designs performance. When sneezing and runny nose with a handkerchief is very taboo.相见礼仪Meet etiquette一般来说,希腊人在社交场合与客人相见时是以握手为礼,但在许多情况下他们也以拥抱,亲吻来表示自己的友好之情。 希腊人在路上与他人相遇时,即便他们素不相识,但也会向对方问候,以示友好。如果道路狭窄,他们总是让对方先行,尤其是对外国人。 In general, the Greeks in social occasion to meet with the guests is to shake hands, but in many cases they also to hug, kiss expresses his friendliness. The Greeks in the road and others meet, even though they be strangers to each other, but also to the other greetings, as a gesture of friendship. If the road is narrow, they always let the other person in advance, especially to foreigners.商务礼仪Business etiquette到希腊进行商务活动的最佳月份是当年9月至次年5月。圣诞节前后不宜前往。见面时,当地工商界人士通常会为你递上一杯浓稠的咖啡,对此不宜拒绝。希腊人性格开朗,乐天好客,他们说话好激动,但并无恶意。对方如滔滔不绝地说话,你最好恭敬地倾听。 To the Greek business activities to the best month of September to May of the next year. Christmas is not to. When they meet, local business people will usually pass you a cup of thick coffee, this should not refuse. The personality is bright, cheerful hospitable, they speak good excitement, but without malice. If the other side off the reel talk, you'd better listen respectfully.旅游礼仪Tourism Etiquette希腊的铁路公路客运业,市内交通业均由国家经营,由于旅游业的发展,水陆交通发达。但在雅典等大城市由于私人轿车过多,所以交通十分拥挤。现在不少当地人外出改坐摩托车。 到当地的集市购买东西很便宜,这里可以讨价还价,顾客可以随便翻捡东西。坐出租车,可付小费10%,旅馆等小费已附加入帐单内,但可给服务生5%小费。The Greek railway industry of highway passenger traffic, the traffic of the city industry are managed by the country, due to the development of tourism, the developed land and water transportation. But in Athens and other big city because of too many private cars, so traffic is very crowded. Now many of the local people go out to ride motorcycles. To the local market to buy things cheap, here for a supply of sth., customers can easily turn over to pick things up. Take a taxi, can tip 10% tip, hotels, has additional recorded form, but can give the waiter 5% tips.