

定语从句有两个功能,一个是限制以帮助人们寻找区分出某人或某物。.另一功能是修饰形容.,就象中文里的“伟大的,光荣的,正确的”的抒情描述一样,没有寻找区别功能。我们要在一群女孩里找出一个叫罗勤燕的女孩,那就必须对这群女孩子进行限制,找出罗勤燕的一些个性特征:如:The girl who is very tall is Luo Qinyin。那个又高又漂亮的女孩就是罗勤燕。“又高又漂亮的女孩”就是限制性定语从句,它能帮助人找出罗勤燕。如果“罗勤燕”当先行词,教室里的女孩那么多个,不限制就找不出罗勤燕,罗勤燕只有一个,对“罗勤燕”就不能用限制性,必须用非限制性。非限制只能是补充说明, Luo Qinyin,who is very tall ,is our monitor 。这句话翻译与限制性完全不同:罗勤燕是我们的班长,她很高.”她很高.”是补充说明,要翻译成另一句话,它没有帮助寻找区分的功能.,而限制性定语从句只是一句话..
2.限制性定语从句的特点: 在中文中后置的被修饰限制的名词在英语中都是前置的,放在从句前当先行词.而定语从句又总是紧紧放在先行词后面。这就出现了与中文不一样的词序:主句和从句混在一起,主句的谓语动词与从句的谓语动词可紧紧地凑近混合在一起.
1)The girl who is dancing dances well。
2)The thing that I tasted tastes sweat
3)The girl at whom I looked looks beautiful.
1}.”The teacher pointed out that that that that student wrote was in wrong place 。”
2).The person who is brave is afraid to look at my eyes.
I can can the can that is smaller into the can that is bigger 。
3).The house whose windows are big is big .
4)The students who didn’t come didn’t get the money .
5)The boy who is tall is shorter than some classmates in the university in the north.
3.先行词,引导词,从句的主语这三个位置都是考试中惯考的三类难点。有两个技巧我们必须要掌握:1。凡是含有定语从句的复合句,都必须有两个主语,两个谓语动词,如果少一个主语或少一个谓语动词,都是不]正确的句子。象我们这次甲级联赛中都出现这样的错误:The student who is very tall and beautiful .
1)that ,which ,who ,whose,where,when都是考试惯考的引导词。.
1}______(a. the one b. that c. which d. who) you talked to is talking to us now.
2}I like the book_________(a. you b. that c. the one d. who)talked about .
b. which可以指代前面的整句话,这时which前面总是有个逗号,which在从句中大多当主语,偶尔也有在从句中当宾语的。
1)She tore my photo_____{a,which b. who c. which d. whose} I took in Guangzhou .
2) She tore my photo_____{a,which b. who c. which d. whose} made me angry .
3}I sat on the chair _____{a,which b. who c. which d. whose}legs are broken .
4.在表示地点的名词当先行词时,其后的定语从句中的动词大多数是不及物的,都是用where或介词+which引导从句.只有visit ,build ,buy ,sell ….等及物动词可以用在地点名词后的定语从句中,那时只能用关系代词which, that,当宾语可以省略.
1)The school _____I studied ten years ago becomes more and more beautiful.
2) The school _______I visited ten years ago becomes more and more beautiful.
3)This is the house in _____ I lived many years ago.
4) This is the house_______ I built many years ago .
5)The bookshop ______he works is very large .
6)The bookshop ______ he bought last year is very large .
7)The bookshop ______he bought the book is very large .
5.在表示时间的名词当先行词时, 其后的定语从句中的动词也大多数是不及物的,都是用when或介词+which引导从句,只有spend,remember, forget,等少数几个及物动词词可以用在时间名词引导的定语从句中,它可以带时间名词当宾语,这时从句只能用which ,that引导,当从句宾语时that ,which当宾语可以省略以省略。
1)I’ll never forget the days _______ I lived in Beijing .
2) I’ll never forget the days _______ I spent in Beijing .
3)The time _____ you forget is the day after tomorrow .
4)The time _____you’ll meet me in Beijing is the day after tomorrow .
5)The time _____ you remembered to stop heating the soup is too late .
6)The time _____you remembered is 9:30 .
The thing that you ate just now is a fly 。
What you ate just now is a fly 。
(1)_____(a.That b.What c. Which d. The word ) must be said has been said 。
(2)_____(a.That b.What c. Which d. The word ) he was chosen has been said 。
3)What引导的名词性从句常可翻译为“……的”,表示一种与人动作相关的特定的物或特定的人,用what引导指物的有:”你看到的””他吃的””该做的””该说的”用who引导,指人的有“是谁干了某事”还不知道,还仍然是个问题。”如“What you said is not true。”“What I want to get is what is in your hand 。”“You are lucky,you own what a woman doesn’t own :beauty and wisdom 。
4)我们用who来引导名词性从句,who表示不确定未落实的“谁”。不是”…..的人”例如:Who will be chosen is not known. It is still a question who killed that poor girl .由于不确定,所以不能用the person who来代替who.确定,限定特定的人应该用定语从句,例如:例如:有一个主人招待客人。一些客人来了,他说,“该来的没来。”结果已经来了的一些人以为他们是“不该来的已经来了”于是走了。那主人又说“不该走的又走了。”结果还在现场的人以为他们是“该走的没有走”,于是又走了。这主人说的话就是“The persons who should come haven’t come 。”“The persons who should not leave have left 。那客人想到的就是:“The persons who should not come have come。”“The persons who should leave haven’t leave 。”
(1)_____ has stole the money has not been found out .
(2)_____ touches the highline will die .
(3)She refused to eat ______her mother gave her .
(4)She eats _____her mother leaves her in the pot .
(5)_____ the prisoner runs,he will be caught some day .
(6)_____ the prisoner might hide is still a question .
He asked what my name is 。而不是He asked what is my name .
一,它不能当谓语,因此在同一句子中一定还会另有一个谓语动词。象“I running in the morning every day.""he named Liping." 就是没有谓语动词的错误的句子。
1,除了独立主格结构外,非谓语动词都没有形式主语出现在它的前面,如出现了多余的主语那反而是错的句子。但主语不出现不等于没有主谓关系。非谓语动词肯定与主句的主语存在着隐含的逻辑主谓关系,如找不出这种关系那一般都是错误的句子。如“从山上看下去,我们的城市很美丽。”主句的主语“城市”不会“看”,不存在逻辑主谓关系,只存在动宾关系。因此不能用“Seeing",而只能用"Seen from the mountain , ..." 被动的形式来表示。或用独立主格:“Anybody seeing it from the mountain ,the city looks very beautiful."又比如“听到这个消息,她的眼泪流出来了。”“眼泪”不会“听”,不存在逻辑主谓关系,因此不能象中文一样直译:Hearing the news,her tears came along her check.应该说:Hearing the news ,she had tears coming along her check.
2,非谓语动词不需要because,as,if,when,while 等连词,但它却已经含有连词的意思。象 Because not having prepared my lesson,I can't answer the question.就是错的,应删去Because。
反之,如不用非谓语而用从句,那表示原因,条件,时间,伴随,目的的从句前又必须有连词。而中文却是可以省连词的,如 “喝牛奶肚子痛”“喝牛奶,人健康。”“喝牛奶呛着了”都可以可以不用连词或二分句都加用连词。因此中国学生往往容易犯”两个分句都用连词”或”两个分句都不用连词”的错误,如:“因为我病了,所以今天我不能上学”译成:Because I am ill, so I can't go to school today.又例如: I am poor, I can't buy the house. "I am poor"显然与后面的句子有逻辑因果关系,应加连词Since或变成“Being poor,I can't buy the the house. 两分句都有连词,就无主句了.就象群龙无首,全国无君一样. 多连词导致无主句;如二个分句都不用连词,就变成二个分句都是主句, 无连词就会混淆主次, 就象人人都当首领,没有大臣了
正确的英语句子应该是:无连词的一个主句,一个或多个非谓语动词短语:Not being good at English,I study hard .用一个主句,一个或多个有连词的从句. :Although I am not good at English, I study hard .一主一从或一主多从,一谓语一非谓语或多非谓语,是我们应形成的英语句型逻辑.
1) Seeing many times, the new words couldn’t be remembered by me .
2) Cleaning every day, our classroom looks fine .
3) You have helped me a lot ,I really thank you a lot .
4) You come to my home ,I’ll teach you how to use it .
5) You lend me 20000 yuan, I’ll buy a house .
6) You laughing, I crying .
7) Because she loves you ,so she is hating you .
8) If you leave, and then I leave .
第1个回答  2011-12-06
这个很繁琐的,建议你百度奥风英语 高考语法完全突破 视频教程的复合句第二讲,还有非谓语动词的不定式一讲好了。
第2个回答  2011-12-06
名词性that-从句在句中能充当主 语、宾语、表语、同位语和形容词宾语,例如wonder后面应跟宾语从句,而从句中的谓语动词do是及物动词,可见从句缺少一个