
I wish I (be) handsome

She wishes she (not drink) so much red wine

I've just lost my bicycle.I wish I (not lose) it

Don't you wish you (come) earlier

If writing (never invent)we would have no books

All right.I (ring)at 8:30

Where are you off to with that ladder
I (have) a look at the roof,It's leaking and I think a tile has slipped

By the end of next week my wife (do) her spring cleaning and she (relax) again

The weather forecast yesterday said that many areas (have)rain,but we certainly didn't have any here

1. i wish i were handsome.真希望我很帅(对现在的虚拟,用一般过去)
2. she wishes she hadn't drunk so much red wine. 她真希望自己没喝那么多红酒(对过去的虚拟,用过去完成)
3. i wish i hadn't lost it 真希望没丢(对过去的虚拟,过去完成)
4. had come 你难道不希望自己早点到吗(已经到了,对过去的虚拟)
5. if writing had never been invented (对过去的虚拟,并且是被动语态
6. will ring 我将会在8点半打电话过来
7. have (前后时态一致)
8. will have done (by加将来时间,用将来完成时);will relax表示她将会很轻松
9. would have 昨天天气预报说很多地区将会有雨(过去将来时)
第1个回答  2011-12-09
1 was
2 didn't drink
3 hadn't lost
4 had come
5 had never invented
6 will ring
7 will have
8 will have done will relax
9 would have
第2个回答  2011-12-10
1 was
2 didn't drink
3 hadn't lost
4 had come
5 had never invented
6 will ring
7 will have
8 will have done will relax