英语中nevertheless,nonetheless , whereabouts , wherea

英语中nevertheless,nonetheless , whereabouts , whereas这类词的来源是什么?直译根本不通啊?该怎么记?谁能帮忙总结下?

nevertheless 分开就是 never the less 跟 nonetheless 同意, 可当连词或副词,尽管如此,虽然的意思,微弱强调或转折用。 给你造个句子吧,体会一下
I prey that I get to keep this job, nevertheless I was fired today. 我非常希望能保留我的工作,但我还是被解雇了。
a small, nevertheless, fatal mistake 虽小但致命的错误。
whereabouts = where abouts = physical location 名词,人或东西所在的位置。
Do you have any info regarding the whereabouts of Michael. 你知道Michael人在哪么?
I know whereabouts of the money you are looking for. 我知道你想找的钱在哪儿。
whereas = where as/ as where 的用处很灵活,有转折,强调,陈述的作用,看例子。
I work all day whereas my wife sits at home. 我整天工作,但我老婆在家呆着。
I have one pen whereas you have none. 我有一只笔,但你么有。