电影Dead Poets Society(死亡诗社) 的英文对白


第1个回答  2012-02-19
setting Neils clash with his father
Neils:its open ...father,i thought you'd gone.
Mr.Perry:keep your seats .Neil.i've just soken to Mr.Nolan.i think that you're taking too many extracurricular activities this semester.And i've decided that you should drop school annual.
Neil:But i'm the assistant editor this year.
Mr.Perry:Well.i'm sorry Neil.
Neil:But,father,i can not .it would be fair.
Mr.Perry:fellas?would you excuse us for a moment?...Dont you ever dispute me in public!Do you understand?
Neil:Father,i asen't disputing you.
Mr.Perry:After you've finished medical and you are on your own,then you can do as you damn will please .But until then ,you do as i tell you ,Is that clear?
Neil:Yes sir .i'm sorry
Mr.Perry:You know how much this means to your mother.dont you?
Neil:Yes sir .You know me .I'm always taking on too much
Mr.Perry:Well.that's my boy.Now .listen. you need anything. you let us know,huh?

Neil:Before you say anything,please let me ex...
Mr.Perry:Dont you dare talk back to me! It's bad enough that you've wasted your time with this. this absurd acting business. But you deliberately deceived me! How! how .how did you expect to get away with this?Answer me! Who put you up to it?Was it this new man?this,uh, Mr.Keating?
Neil:No.Nobody. I though i'd surprise you. I've got all A's in every class
Mr.Perry:Did you think i wasnt going to find out?"Oh,my niece is in a play with your son "says Mrs.Marks."NO.NO.NO"i say. "You must be mistaken . My son's not in a play " You made a liar out of me,Neil! Now. torrommow. you go to them and you tell them that you are qutting.
Neil:NO i can not .i have the main part,The performance is tommorrow night.
Mr.Perry:I do not care if the world comes to an end tommorrow night. You are though with that play.Is that clear?is that clear?
Neil:Yes sir
Mr.Perry:i made a great many sacrifices to get you here.Neil...and you will not let me down
Neil:NO sir
累死了。。。一个词一个词的敲出来哦、我们有一门叫《英语电影视听说》的课。第一部电影就是《Dead Poets Society》。正好有两段对白。。。T。T我得看电影了、