

1.as soon as 一..就
2 .(not)as/so...as 不像 ..一样
3.as...as possible 尽可能
4.ask ab for sth 向某人要
5.ask/tell sb(how) to do sth 要求某人做某事
6.ask/tell sb(not) to do sth 要求某人不要做某事
7.be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事
8.be busy doing sth 忙于做某事
9.be famous/late/ready/sorry for 因(为)..而出名、迟到、准备、遗憾
10.be glad that 感到高兴
11.both...and... 两者都
12.buy/give/show/send/pass/bring/lend/tall sb sth 将某物 买、给、展示、送、递、带来、借、带去给某人
13.either...or... 既不 也不
14.enjoy/hate/finish/mind/keep/go on doing sth 喜欢做、讨厌、完成、介意、继续、继续做某事
15.get + 比较级 越来越
16.get on with 和某人相处
17.get ready for/get sth ready 准备
18.give/show/bring/lend/send/pass/tall sth to sb 同12
19.had better(not) do sth 最好做某事或最好不要做某事
20.help sb(to)do/help sb with 帮助某人做某事
21.I don't think that... 我认为..不。
22.I would like to.../would you like to...? 我愿意做..
23.It takes sb some time to do sth 做某事花费某人多长时间
24.it's bad/good for... 那不好(好)
25.it's important for sb to do sth 做某事对某人来说不重要
26.it's time for.../to do sth 到做某事的时间了
27.bit's two meters(years)long(old) 它两米长、它两岁了
28.keep sb doing 使某人一直持续某种动作
29.keep/make sth+adj 使某人持续某个状态
30.like to do.like doing 喜欢做某事
31.make/let sb(not) do sth 让某人做某事
32.neither...,nor... 都不
33.not...at all 一点一不
34.not only...but also 不但 而且
35.not...until... 直到...才
36.one...the other.../some...others 一个...另一个 ...(一些..其他的..)
37.see/hear sb do(doing)sth 看见某人做某事(看见某人正在做某事)
38.so...that... 太...以至于
39.spend...on/(in)doing sth 花费...做某事
40.stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事
41.stop to do/stop doing 停下来去做另一件事
42.take/bring stb with sb 某人带着某物
43.the+比较级...the+比较级... 越 ..越
44.there is sth wrong with... 某物出了什么问题
45.too...to 太 。。以至于
46.used to 过去常常
47.what about/how about...? 某事怎么样
48.what's wrong/the matter with...? ...出了什么问题
49why not...? 为何不...
50will(would,could)you please...? 你能...
第1个回答  2012-04-04
1. i'll give you the book as soon as you arrive.
2. i'm not as/so beautiful as my sister.
3. i'll come to the school as soon as possible.
4. Don't ask your father for too much money.
5. please tell/Don't ask me how to make a cake.
6. i've told you not to be late for school.
7. the little girl was afraid of sleeping alone.
8. i was busy doing my homework.
9. the young man was famous for his handsome.
they are late /ready for class.
i was/felt sorry for his death.
10.i'm glad that you like my present.
11.Both my brother and i like pop muisc.
12.thanks for buying me the beautiful flower.
13.either or是“或”;“既不 也不”应为neither nor
either/neither Tom or/nor Mary is the right person for the job.
14.i enjoy/hate playing football.
i'll finish/mind/keep/go on doing the briong work.
15.the environment will get better and better.
16.you should learn how to get on (well)with others.
17.Have you get ready for the coming holiday?
19.you'd better (not)take a pen with you.
20.Don't help him (to)do/with his homework.
21.i don'k think that our speed will slow down.
22.I would like to stay at home (rather than go shopping).
would you like to go out with me?
23.it takes me two hour to finish my homework.
24.it's bad/good for you to read this kind of books.
25.it's important for you to drink enough water.
26.it's time for/to have lunch.
27.bit's two meters(years)long(old)不好意思这个看不懂
28.i'm sorry for keeping you waiting for me for two hours.
29.remember to keep/make your eyes open.
30.i like swimming/to swim.
31.you should make an effort to make/let him study hard.
33.i do not like shopping at all.
34.not only you but also you parents were invited to the party.
35.i did not go to bed until my mother came back.
36.when i came into the classroom,one of my classmates was singing,the other were listening to her.
37.i saw/heard him play football yesterday.
i saw/heard him playing football this time yesterday.
38.i was so tired that i can not open my eyes.
39.Don't spend too much money on clothes.
Don't spend too much time in playing computer.
40.you'd'better stop him from coming back too late.
41.i stopped to talk with him.我停下来去和他交谈
i stopped talking with him.我停止和他交谈
42.you'd better take/bring this book with you.
43.the harder you work,the more money you will gain.
44.there is something wrong with the computer-it does't work.
45.i'm too nervous to say something.
46.i used to go to the shop for breakfast every morning.
47.what about/how about going out for a dinner with me?
48.what's wrong/the matter with you?you look bad.
49.why not go out for a picnic?
50.will(would,could)you please give me the bill?
第2个回答  2012-04-23
6.ask sb how to do sth 问(告诉)某人怎样做某事
13. either ...or.... 或者...或者
15.more and more越来越 get + more是变得更怎么样 一般是get more and more
17.get ready for是为...做准备EG:I am getting ready for the vacation next year我正在为明年的假期做准备 而get sth ready 是准备好了某事EG:I have got everything ready for the vavcation next year.我已经准备好了明年的假期。(在此只作补充,原答案并没有错)
18和12的区别是 tell sth to sb 和 tell sb sth。但是要注意有的词汇用的是EG:provide sb with sth(在此只作补充,原答案并没有错)
27 keep doing sth 坚持做某事
38 so... that和 so that都是中考范围内的so... that已经有了 so that 的意思是 “目的是”
51 one of the +形容词最高级+可数名词名词复数 其中最...的 之一
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