
本文通过对军装的发展史、现代军装元素的影响因素及军装风貌女装的主要设计风格逐一分析,总结出军装风貌女装在军装元素、色彩、面料三个方面的设计原则。军装元素被越来越多地借鉴到女装设计和人物整体造型上来,随着军旅服装潮流的风行,挺括的领型、肩饰肩章、双排扣,以及精神的束腰带,作为军装元素保留在现代女装设计当中。在整体造型中军旅服装通过双排扣、肩章,臂章的运用,体现经典、休闲、中性、前卫的风格,结合现代服装风格的表现形式,同时掌握其设计原则,从面料、色彩等各个方面考虑,使其呈现出不同的服装款式,使形象设计的风格更具多元化,使军旅服装元素风格在形象设计中更广泛的应用。关键词:,影响因素The thesis analyzes the army uniform one by one in term of style of the elements, colors and materials through analysis of army uniform and understanding of characteristics of army uniform. Materials of army uniform include khaki cotton, camouflage color, whipcord and so on. Uniforms of different army services will reflect different mould of elements, and usually green is the major color. The elements of army uniform are more and more utilized in fashion design and overall styling of character.With the popularity of army uniform, upright collar shape, shoulder ornament or shoulder badges, double breasted style and the revivified waistband are kept in design of modern fashions as elements of army uniforms. However, fashion designs nowadays indistinct the straight appearance of army uniform, and integrated these elements into various styles in fashion designs in which some marks that similar to army uniform are left. In the overall styling, army uniforms reflect style of classics, leisure, neutrality and avant-garde through use of double breasted style, badges and shoulder emblem. It presents different creations and also diversifies the design manner by combination of style of modern garment and the elements of army uniform, such as double breasted style, badges and shoulder emblem, which makes the elements of army uniform more and more widely used in costume design.

第1个回答  2012-02-05
第2个回答  2012-02-04