

1. 腼腆的男生可能会在见到你时渴望多看一眼,但会刻意避开你的目光,不让你察觉。大胆的男生则可能直视你,展示他们的兴趣。
2. 男生如果经常找你问题或在人群中更愿意和你交谈,这可能意味着他在对你表达好感。他可能会避开其他人,享受和你单独对话的时光。
3. 在节日时,他一定会记得给你发短信或送小礼物(暗恋的情况可能除外)。
4. 在你面前,他会特别注意自己的形象,总是希望给你留下最好的一面。
5. 他可能喜欢和你有身体上的接触,尤其是握手。如果他对你的触碰反应敏感,可能是因为他对你有好感。如果他持续避免接触,这可能意味着他对你没有感觉。
1. 他可能会以一种不太关心的方式与你交谈,有时甚至拍拍你的肩膀,但这种身体接触通常不会涉及手部。
2. 对于淑女型的女生,他通常会避免身体接触,除非你非常吸引他。
3. 如果他很少和你交谈,并且在节日时没有给你发短信,这可能意味着他对你没有感觉。如果他真的对你没有感觉,即使你追求他,结果也不确定。
一个喜欢你而不善于表达的男生可能会用一些特殊的方式来称呼你,比如 calling you "dumb" or "ugly", but he won't be interested in other girls since he likes you. He may say you are "like a pig" because he thinks you are cute and lovely. He will want to chat with you on the phone when you are bored and offer to help you with computer problems. He may boast about his abilities because he wants to impress you. He might even practice a game he doesn't like just to help you win points. He will intentionally lose to you in games and endure your laughter at his expense. He keeps his phone on at night in case you need him. He might start brushing his teeth before bed just because you mentioned it. He will nag you to see a doctor when you're sick and could be overprotective. He might claim that he's in pain when you gently hit him but say it doesn't hurt at all when you really do hit him. He will act as your punching bag when you're angry and as an audience for your lame jokes when you're happy. He might even agree to your unreasonable demands just to please you. He will take on your likes and dislikes. He will associate you with everything good.