2011衢州市中考英语作文:You and me


You and me
You live in a mountain village. It’s far away from your school. It take you one hour to get there every day. To save money, you bring food for lunch. At noon, it is cold, some even goes bad. Sometimes you study the whole afternoon without lunch, only two meals one day.
I never worry about my life. Every day I study in a bright room and enjoy each delicious meal! What different lives we are living! As a teenager, surely I should do something fro you like raising money, collecting books, etc.
We are living under the same sky and let’s share the same happiness!
When we are studying in the bridge classroom, some poor students in Guizhou are walking on the way to school. Being poor, they have no money to buy food for lunch. What they eat at noon is the clod food they bring from home. Sometimes the food even goes bad. Some of them have only two meals a day. They often go on with their lessons in the afternoon without lunch.
What a hard life they are living! I think we should do something for them. Let’s share our pocket money with them and se some books to them.