请用英语写一篇关于林肯的事迹外加翻译中文 好的加分


Over the years, the Emancipation Proclamation and President Lincoln himself have been reviewed with both admiration and derision. The shifting viewpoints towards the two reflect the context of the times and that is how the Emancipation Proclamation and president Lincoln must be viewed because each were created in the context of their times
The war for the Union or the Lincoln Administration did not start out as a war to end slavery. Lincoln himself, by modern day standards, was prejudice and believed blacks would be better off leaving the country. The threat that Lincoln represented was political and economic to the South. Lincoln had no intention of interfering with slavery where it already existed but was opposed to the extension of slavery, which represented economic threat to the south as well as the loss of political power. It must be remembered, as the author points out, that there was no great demand among the majority of the people for slavery to end and Lincoln’s racial views on blacks were common. Little, if anything was said about the black man having an equal place in American society, a view shared by many in the military also.
In any event, freeing the slaves would be a radical measure in many Northerners eyes. The author analyzes how Lincoln had to tread thin line because of this... The Border States were a key strategic area and losing those states would make the war even more difficult to fight for the union. Lincoln had to consider the reaction of the army also if a proclamation feeing the slaves was announced The Union had to win the war in any event to give teeth to a proclamation.

The first plans developed by the Lincoln Administration called for compensated emancipation. The plans reflected the viewpoint of Lincoln, sometimes not shared by members of Congress and Lincoln cabinet members, that gradual and compensated emancipation was the best method. Lincoln had to think about the entire Union effort and could not risk making such a radical move. The plans also promoted colonization of the blacks, which was angrily opposed by the blacks themselves.
In time, it was Lincoln came to see that the war would have to be more about just saving the union. Lincoln has had few equals in the skill of using the words of the English language. The Emancipation Proclamation is often criticized for not having the same beautiful and high idealized words of his Second Inaugural Address. The key here is that Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation in legalistic terms for a reason. First, the Emancipation Proclamation was conditional. The Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in certain areas of the Confederacy and not others. Second, it was also a military measure, a aimed at undermining the economic system of the South, Third, the Emancipation Proclamation might be challenged legally and had to stand up to constitutional scrutiny by the supreme Court, if the union could win the war.
One of the criticisms of the Emancipation Proclamation was the fact that it did not set every slave free. Again, using today’s standards to judge is somewhat unfair because the union had to win the war first. Lincoln had to think about how the army and the Border States would react. Although the army did not dissolve or the Border States did not leave the union, there was not universal rejoicing at the Emancipation Proclamation. The Proclamation also strengthened the Confederate will because Lincoln had struck at the very heart of the south and the way of life the Confederacy was fighting for.
The enlistment of the African-American, both ex-slaves and freed blacks, in Union armies represented turning point because that was the evidence that the war had changed and a new era was beginning. The black man would earn respect in the service of the union but that did not equate to equal treatment. The rights earned in the crucible of warwould be frittered away in the years after the war, giving the Emancipation Proclamation hollow meaniing for many blacks.
The mixed reputation of Lincoln among African-Americans is a demonstration of dashed hopes and the failure of expectations. The failures of Reconstruction and the suppression of African-Americans lowered the stature of Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation. When looked at from a genuine abolition viewpoint, Lincoln was cold and indifferent and did not move fast enough. However, when measured by the sentiments of the country, which Lincoln was bound to consult, he was swift, radical, and determined. And for that Lincoln should and does have a special place in the hearts of all Americans追问

这 我英语很差 但我的语文很好 你用中文翻译也应该讲究点吧!




你不要忽悠我 如果发现不对的 我会。。。。。。嘻嘻




疑问 你太不讲究 ,这后半段是上面接着的吗?




好吧 这文是你想的 写的吗?原文?




好吧 找出来也不容易 翻译应该是你翻的吧 最后一个问题



第1个回答  2012-02-09
Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in a one-room log cabin, located on a farm near Hodgenville, Kentucky (a state that permitted slavery at the time).

When he was only nine years old, his mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, died. A year later, his father, Thomas Lincoln, remarried a woman named Sarah Bush, who had a tremendous influence on the young Abraham Lincoln.

To support his family, Abraham had to work at a neighboring farm. Working denied him the opportunity to go to school, so the total amount of formal education he received was less than one year.

Although his formal education ended very quickly, his self-education was just beginning. An avid reader, he read everything he could get his hands on, studying a variety of subjects, such as mathematics, literature and law. Eventually this self-educated man became a lawyer.

Lincoln had a very strong desire to make a difference, so he entered politics. In August, 1832, he finished eighth out of 13 in a race for the Illinois House of Representatives.

Abraham believed that the government should be a positive force, whose goal was to serve the people. He reasoned that in order for him to have significant influence and impact on the government, he must achieve a high position in government -- preferably the position of the President of the United States. This goal eventually became his burning desire.

In 1834, while practicing law in a firm he had established with several partners, Lincoln ran for and won a seat in the Illinois Legislature. He served a four-year term, and he soon developed a reputation as a capable and honest politician.

Unfortunately, over the next decade he experienced numerous business and political setbacks. But unlike most people, Lincoln did not let any of these challenges -- including a business and personal bankruptcy -- discourage him from going after his dreams.

On November 4, 1842, he married Mary Todd Edwards, and they had four children over the next 12 years. In 1836, Lincoln won an election to Congress. It was during this time that he took an unpopular stand against President James K. Polk regarding the Mexican War. Abraham thought the war was unjust.

Because Lincoln's viewpoints were so different from many other government officials, he became unpopular among them.

After his term ended in 1849, Lincoln took the next five years off from politics and focused on his law practice. Again, he encountered more business setbacks. But again, he persisted, and did not let "so-called" failures discourage him.

In 1854, he returned to the political arena. One of the first things he did was to oppose the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which threatened to extend slavery to other states.

In 1855, he ran for the Senate but was defeated. The next year he went after the Vice Presidency position, and was also defeated.

With so many failures, a lot of people, in Lincoln's position, probably would have given up. But because he was determined and committed to make his political dreams come true, he would get up each time he was knocked down. He knew the only way to gain ground, to move forward, to march on, and to turn his goals into reality, was to learn from his setbacks and failures.

Finally, in 1860, Lincoln's years of persistence and hard work paid off when he was elected the 16th President of the United States.
Sadly, at this time the states were no longer united. The South depended on slavery for its prosperity, so when the North opposed the extension of slavery into the new western states, the southern states broke away and formed their own union.

As the newly elected president, Lincoln decided that the original Union must be saved at all costs -- even if it meant a civil war. In 1861, the Civil War began.

On November 19, 1863, on a battle field near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, President Lincoln presented to the people his vision for a nation conceived in liberty, where everyone is created equal. This speech became known as the Gettysburg Address and it has shaped the destiny of the United States of America.

By the time the Civil War ended in 1865, after four long years, it had cost the lives of half a million Americans. But the Union was saved, the slaves were freed, and President Lincoln's lifelong dream was realized.

On April 14, 1865, President Lincoln went with his wife to the Ford Theater in Washington, DC, to celebrate the end of the Civil War. Halfway through the play, John Wilkes Booth, an actor who resented the northern victory and the liberation of North America's slaves, shot and killed President Lincoln.

Following Lincoln's death, the Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, declared: "Now he belongs to the ages."

Today, the spirit of President Lincoln still lives in our memories and it continues to guide us toward creating a nation, and a world, where everyone is treated equally... regardless of our unique differences.

As you can see, Lincoln's story is the story of an incredible human being who started from very meager beginnings and went on to become not only one of the greatest U.S. presidents, but also one of the influential men in history.

Abraham Lincoln represents the finest example of persistence. Although he faced countless defeats throughout his life -- many that must have seemed insurmountable -- he never gave up on his dreams.

He lost eight elections, failed in business many times, and suffered a nervous breakdown. He could have quit many times, but he didn't. Instead, after each defeat he would pick himself up and press forward until he achieved his aspirations.
