

1. I think he's doing very well repeat. The concise text to repeat the main contents of the plan. To listen to the people feeling easily understood.
2. I think he's done a really good repeat, but there are still some deficiencies. For example, some repeat a phrase or some cumbersome master. However, I believe that he can do better next time.
3. In my view, the answer he gave me the impression that the very simply to operate. His familiarity with the text and grammar mastered very well.
4. He answered that he has done full preparations. His answer is the crux of the matter and the language is very fluent.
5. They performed well in this group. Stories also very attractive to people quickly remember those words and phrases.
6. Their story Although this group is less interesting, but their cooperation is very good. Their common accomplished this story is also very good.
7. I expressed appreciation for their performances. The story not only because they are interesting, but also have a tacit understanding between them. Doing good.
8. I think he got this story about the efforts. He cleverly words together to a quite interesting story.