

The characteristic peasant family is happy, the lodgings area,performance, unfolds the movement, the bund teahouse, the touristreceives the center, the level bridge, the peach blossom pavilion,Taohua Island, the peach blossom lake, the Taoshan, the aquatic activeservice area, the public toilet, the yulan magnolia reflects themonth, the orchard entrance, the bund strolls, the aquatic activeservice area, reflects the month Chinese style pavilion to enjoylooking at the moon, the aquatic 竹筏 migration fishes, the aquaticwalk ball, the farm crops area, the vegetable garden, the camping areaorchard parking lot, the orchard entrance, the maplewood sunset glow,the fruit and flowers mountain, the immortal peach, the travelingrestroom, the Double Ninth Festival red experiment, takes the pledgeof brotherhood, the eagle stone, the view sea pavilion, the sweetheartvalley, forest Grand Canyon, the loose wind listens to Tao, the forest幽 diameter The spiritual cultivation pavilion, the alligator playwith water, the forest bathing place, forest Grand Canyon exports, thepeach garden fishes, 紫薇 according to the cedar, the orchardexportation, the orchard parking lot, the orchard entrance, themaplewood sunset glow, the fruit and flowers mountain, the sweetheartvalley, makes a vow the pond, the peach garden Mongolian cairn, theview sea pavilion, listens to Zhong Ting, the city mountain templeculture area
第1个回答  2007-11-07
The characteristic peasant family is happy, the lodgings area,performance, unfolds the movement, the bund teahouse, the touristreceives the center, the level bridge, the peach blossom pavilion,Taohua Island, the peach blossom lake, the Taoshan, the aquatic activeservice area, the public toilet, the yulan magnolia reflects themonth, the orchard entrance, the bund strolls, the aquatic activeservice area, reflects the month Chinese style pavilion to enjoylooking at the moon, the aquatic 竹筏 migration fishes, the aquaticwalk ball, the farm crops area, the vegetable garden, the camping areaorchard parking lot, the orchard entrance, the maplewood sunset glow,the fruit and flowers mountain, the immortal peach, the travelingrestroom, the Double Ninth Festival red experiment, takes the pledgeof brotherhood, the eagle stone, the view sea pavilion, the sweetheartvalley, forest Grand Canyon, the loose wind listens to Tao, the forest幽 diameter The spiritual cultivation pavilion, the alligator playwith water, the forest bathing place, forest Grand Canyon exports, thepeach garden fishes, 紫薇 according to the cedar, the orchardexportation, the orchard parking lot, the orchard entrance, themaplewood sunset glow, the fruit and flowers mountain, the sweetheartvalley, makes a vow the pond, the peach garden Mongolian cairn, theview sea pavilion, listens to Zhong Ting, the city mountain templeculture area
