2017七年级英语寒假作业答案The 8th Day 初一上册寒假英语作业参考答案


【答案】:一、1. tomatoes 2. scoring 3. Wednesday 4. list 5. January
6. neighbours 7. comfortable 8. expensive 9. matches 10. chooses
二、 1 – 5 DBDBB 6 – 10 BABCB
三、1. speak to 2. gets to 3. is putting on 4. get up 5. get back
6. is taking off 7. There is 8. at weekends 9. see a doctor 10. is looking for
四、1. Is; or 2. more than 3. is/ looks like 4. They put about five eggs in a box.
5. favourite fruit
五、1. My parents and I are all good at sports.
2. I usually go running for one hour at weekends.
3. Does he take a bus to work every day? No, he goes by bike.
4. It is good to eat different kinds of food.
5. This is really a good place to play computer games.
六、1 – 5 CBCBD 6 – 10 AACDA
七、1. housework 2. hurry 3. take 4. yourself 5. worry
6. leaves 7. begins 8. know 9. help 10. think