

一. 单项填空
1.There are many young trees on sides of the road.
A. every B. each C. both D. all
2.--- It’s so cold today.
 --- Yes, it’s than it was yesterday.
A. more cold B. more colder C. much colder D. cold
3.Little Tom has friends, so he often plays alone.
A. more  B. a little C. many D. few
4.She isn’t so at maths as you are.
A. well B. good  C. better  D. best
5.Peter writes of the three.
A. better  B. best  C. good  D. well
6.He is enough to carry the heavy box.
A. stronger  B. much stronger  C. strong  D. the strongest
7.I bought exercise-books with money.
A. a few; a few B. a few; a little
C. a little; a few D. a little; a little
8.The box is heavy for the girl carry.
A. too; to B. to; too C. so; that  D. no; to
9.The ice in the lake is about one meter . It’s strong enough to skate on.
A. long B. high  C. thick  D. wide
10.Wu Lin ran faster than the other boys in the sports meeting.
A. so B. much C. very D. too
11. Jone looks so _______ today because she has got an “A” in her maths test.
A. happy B. happily C. angry D. angrily
12. The smile on my father’s face showed that he was ______ with me.
A. sad B. pleased C. angry D. sorry
13. ---Mum, could you buy me a dress like this?
---Certainly, we can buy ______ one than this, but ______ this.
A. a better; better than B. a worse; as good as
C. a cheaper; as good as D. a more important; good as
14. ---This digital camera is really cheap!
---The ______ the better. I’m short of money, you see.
A. cheap B. cheaper C. expensive D. more expensive
15. If you want to learn English well, you must use it as _______ as possible.
A. often B. long C. hard D. soon
16. Paul has ______ friends except me, and sometimes he feels lonely.
A. many B. some C. few D. more
17. English people _____ use Mr. Before a man’s first name.
A. never B. usually C. often D. sometimes
18. ---One more satellite was sent up into space in China in May.
---Right. The government spoke ______ that.
A. highly for B. high of
C. well of D. highly of
19. ---Remember this, children. ______ careful you are, ______ mistakes you will make.
---We know, Miss Gao.
A. The more; the more B. The fewer; the more
C. The more; the fewer D. The less; the less
20. I have ________ to do today.
A. anything important B. something important
C. important nothing D. important something
二. 用所给单词的适当形式填空
1. My purse was stolen on the bus yesterday. __________ (Fortunate), there was no money in it.
2. Mobile phones are _________ (wide) used in most of the cities in China.
3. He put on his coat and went out ________ (quick).
4. She is ______ (good) than Li Ping at swimming.
5. A lot Chinese people are _______ (pride) of Yao Ming, a famous basketball star in NBA.
6. To our surprise, he suddenly returned on a cold ______ (snow) night.
7. Allie asked me ______ (polite) to put the things away.
8. It’s snowing hard. You must drive ________(careful).
9. The earth we live on is _______ (big) than the moon.
10. Hainan is a very large island. It’s the second _______(large) island in China.
三. 用适当的形容词或副词填空(首字母已给出)
1. A large number of mouths must be fed in those less d________ countries.
2. That evening Beethoven played the music for the girl as well as u______.
3. Hawaii is f_______ its beautiful beaches.
4. He often takes an a______ part in the sports meeting and he can get very good results each time.
5. The performance was so w_______ that everyone gave a long and loud applause(鼓掌).
6. Jiefang Road is the b_____ street in our city.
7. She lay a______ for hours thinking over her business.
8. I like ball games very much, but my f_______ sport is playing basketball.
9. The boy is too l______ . He doesn’t want to do anything.
10. The dictionary is very u________ . It will help you a lot.

1.This dictionary is not hers. It’s _______.
A. I B. me C. mine
2. --- Is this ______ magazine? --- No, it isn’t. It’s ________.
A. your, her B. hers, mine C. your, hers
3. Mary speaks very quickly. _______ is difficult to understand what she is saying.
A. That B. she C. It
4. The school was built by the villagers _______.
A. us B. ourselves C. themselves
5. He put a finger into ______ mouth and sucked it.
A. his B. he C. him
6. Let _______ do this exercise myself.
A. him B. her C. me
7. I met an old friend of ______ on ______ way home.
A. mine, my B. my, the C. mine, a
8. _______ live in Shanghai.
A. We B. Our C. Ours
9. --- Is this ______ jacket? --- Yes, it’s _______.
A. her, her B. her, hers C. hers, her
10. My dictionary is in my bag. Where is _______?
A. yours B. you C. yourself
11. I think you can do the job ______.
A. yourself B. myself C. himself
12. --- Which jacket is Mary’s? --- The red one is _______.
A. she B. her C. hers
13. My uncle was very angry when he found I was beating _______dog.
A. him B. his C. himself
14. _____ is important for us to keep the balance of nature.
A. There B. That C. It
15. She can’t find ______ watch.
A. hers B. it C. her
16. They told us about their school and we told them about_______.
A. we B.us C. ours
17. Please pass ______ the cup of tea.
A. me B. my C. mine
18. Have you heard from ______ recently?
A. them B. they C. themselves
19. This is his schoolbag, ______ is on the desk.
A. my B. yours C. your
20. We made the radio ______.
A. us B. ourselves C. myself
第1个回答  2011-10-24
( ) 1 He speaks English___his aunt.
A. as good as B. as well as C. as better as D. as best as
( ) 2. Which do you like_____, skating, swimming or fishing?
A. more B. most C. better D. best
( ) 3 Who sings___, Rose or Kate?
A. well B. good C. better D. best
( ) 4 She writes____than I.
A. more careful B. much careful
C. much more carefully D. much carefully
( ) 5 The night was very ___, so he had to take off his shoes ___.
A. quiet; quietly B. quite; quickly C. late; quick D. quite; quietly
( ) 6 How ___ the girls are playing!
A. happy B. happier C. happy ly D. happily
( ) 1 ____ he drops in ___ his friends after supper.
A. Some times; for B. Sometimes; on C. Often; for D. Seldom; on
( ) 2 In Britain tea ___ with milk or sugar in it.
A. usually drinks B. is usually drunk
C. usually is drunk D. drank usually
( ) 3 He____ to school to clean his classroom.
A. always comes early B. comes always early
C. always early comes D. come always earlier
( ) 1 Better___than never.
A. late B. the later C. later D. the late
( ) 2 We have been to the China Folk Culture Villages ____.
A. lately B. late C. latest D. last
( ) 3 I got up____today.
A. later B. more lately C. lately D. late
( ) 1 Today Tom goes to school earlier than___.
A. as usual B. usual C. usually D. ago
( ) 2 Today we do our homework at home ___.
A. than usual B. often C. usually D. as usual
( ) 3 Alice___goes to school at seven.
A. usual B. usually C. hard D. a little
( ) 1 It was___ bad weather that we all had to stay inside.
A. very B. so C. rather D. such
( ) 2 He is___ kind an old man that all the children like him.
A. very B. so C. rather D. such
( ) 3 He, our headmaster was___ pleased with our work.
A. fairly B. even C. much D. great
( ) 4 There was a heavy snow last night. This morning is____ outside.
A. too rather cold B. rather too cold C. such cold D. fairly cold
( ) 1 We won't go to the cinema next Saturday. They won't____.
A. too B. also C. neither D. either
( ) 2 She likes reading and___.
A. so I do B. I do so C. I like so D. so do I
( ) 3 -I won't go to the Great Wall tomorrow.
-I won't, ___.
A. neither B. either C. too D. also
( ) 4 He likes to do some reading in the morning, I like it, ___.
A. too B. either C. neither D. also
( ) 5 He didn't know her address, ____ did I.
A. too B. also C. either D. neither
( ) 1 I have never seen ___ big pears.
A. such B. very C. so D. rather
( ) 2 He is ___ tired that he can't go any farther.
A. so B. such -C. very D. too
( ) 3 That maths problem is ___ difficult ___ nobody can work it out.
A. too; to B. very; that C. so; that D. very; but
( ) 4 He is , teacher that all of us like him.
A. such good a B. a so good C. so good a D. a such good
( ) 5 Jack doesn't work ____ Tom.
A. as so good B. so good as C. so hard as D. so harder as
( ) 1 I did my homework hours _____.
A. before B. later C. ago D. late
( ) 2 I saw the film two days ___.
A. ago B. before C. after D. late
( )3 I seem to have met you___.
A. before B. ago C. yet D. some time
( )1 He got back____at four.
A. to home B. at home C. his home D. home
( ) 2 Come____ quickly. I have something interesting to tell you.
A. to here B. up to here C. here D. into here
( ) 3 These two young men stood ___ watching the train moving away.
A. by there B. from there C. there D. to there
( ) 1 Mother said, "Tom, you're seventeen, ____a child. "
A. no again B. not longer C. not more D. no longer
( ) 2 "Don't do that___. " the teacher said to Tom.
A. no more B. no longer C. any more D. some more
( ) 3 I don't want to talk with you____.
A. yesterday B. no longer C. any longer D. some longer
( ) 4 They have moved away from Beijing. They don't live there____.
A. any longer B. once more C. either D. again
( ) 1 My aunt will come back from Beijing ____.
A. before long B. long before C. after long D. long after
( ) 2 She read the book___. And I'll read it___.
A. long before; long before B. before long; before long
C. before long; long before D. long before; before long
( ) 1 When you do eye-exercise, you must keep your eyes____.
A. close B. closes C. closing D. closed
( ) 2 It's a windy day. You'd better____ the windows.
A. close B. closed C. closing D. to close
( ) 3 Bruce often ___ his left hand ___.
A. keep; close B. keeps; closed
C. keep; closed D. keeps; close
( ) 4 It is very hot. Please keep the door .
A. open B. opening C. opens D. opened
( ) 1 The boat is left ___ by the bank of the river.
A. along B. alone C. long D. lonely
( ) 2 He has a rest___ at home, watching TV.
A. alone B. one C. along D. lonely
( ) 3 They went out for a walk___ the lake.
A. alone B. along C. lonely D. at
( ) 4 The wall is two metres____.
A. highly B. widely C. long D. along
( ) 5 There is a___ island. On it there are many wild beautiful flowers.
A. lonely B. along C. / D. alone
( ) 1 The city is___ than the town away from the river.
A. far B. farther C. so far D. much far
( ) 2 Do you need ___ explanation to the question?
A. more far B. any further C. farther D. any far
( ) 3 I am so tired that I can't walk____.
A. much far B. any farther C. even far D. very further
1. 1-6 B D C C A D
2. 1-3 B B A
3. 1-3 A A D
4. 1-3 B D B
5. 1-4 D B A B
6. 1-5 D D B A D
7. 1-5 A A C C C
8. 1-3 C A A
9. 1-3 D C C
10. 1-4 D C C A
11. 1-2 A D
12. 1-4 D A B A
13. 1-5 B A B C A
14. 1-3 B B B